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is it possible to query the name of the only folder inside my specified folder?
Wraithdu made a GetFolderPath.nsh . But it doesn't query folder names :(. Hmm... Why do you need to query in the first place?
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
Depends what you need here. If you know the name of your folder, then this is all you need -
IfFileExists "X:\Path\to\folder\*.*" jump_found jump_notfound
Otherwise if you need to search -
OutFile test.exe !include LogicLib.nsh !include FileFunc.nsh !insertmacro GetFileAttributes Var searchdir Section StrCpy $searchdir "C:\Program Files" FindFirst $0 $1 "$searchdir\*.*" ${Do} ${If} $1 == "." ${OrIf} $1 == ".." ; do nothing ${Else} ${GetFileAttributes} "$searchdir\$1" "DIRECTORY" $2 ${If} $2 = 1 ; is directory DetailPrint $1 ${EndIf} ${EndIf} FindNext $0 $1 ${LoopUntil} $1 == "" FindClose $0 SectionEnd
Wraithdu made a GetFolderPath.nsh .
But it doesn't query folder names :(.
Why do you need to query in the first place?
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
Depends what you need here. If you know the name of your folder, then this is all you need -
Otherwise if you need to search -