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Solved: Replace U3 menu with portable apps suite.

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Last seen: 16 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-15 19:26
Solved: Replace U3 menu with portable apps suite.

With this method you can replace your U3 Launcher with the Portable Apps Suite (or any program for that matter).

Using the LPInstaller with a custom iso isn"t new. However, the way I've implemented it is.

The executable (source included in the archive), doesn't just poll all removable drives, but only those with media inserted. This eliminates the unsightly "no disk in drive" error. In addition I've implemented the use of a custom ini file on the fat partition of the usb stick. This serves two purposes. First it allows for correct identification of your usb stick"s drive (in case you have other removable media inserted). Second it allows you to set any executible to be ran at startup, defaulted of course to "StartPortableApps.exe"

I have only tried this on U3 Sandisks, but it should work on any U3 stick.
1. Back up your USB files!!!! [This shouldn't format the FAT partition, but LPInstaller is funky sometimes.]
2. Unzip the package to a folder.
3. Run the LPInstaller. It"ll pick up the file "cruzer-autorun.iso" from the same dir and use it.
You"re not done yet!
4. Copy "what2start.ini" to the root of your FAT partition (the part of your usb stick you put files on)
5. In "what2start.ini" make sure the "name=" key is set to whatever program you want to run at startup. (by default it"s StartPortableApps.exe)

If you"re paranoid, or curious, the source code for the exe that does all the work is included in the zip; "runpapps_src.au3". Feel free to modify it or whatever, but since I wrote it from scratch, please give me credit somewhere.

Notes: All testing was done with U3 Sandisks. I have yet to try it on a newer U3 which works on Vista. Ergo, this implementation will probably not work in Vista. Can someone try it on a Vista compatible U3 and let me know if it works? Also since your hacking your usb stick, the usual fluff goes here, like I make no guarantees your USB won't burst into flames or your data won't ooze out of your stick, etc.

File Location:

This is what prompted me to write this code;
1. I liked the new portable apps suite and wanted it to replace my U3 Launcher.
2. An article in my latest 2600 inspired me to hack up my U3.

SmithTech's picture
Last seen: 2 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2006-11-24 18:06
LPInstaller is for Sandisk only

LPInstaller won't work on Non-Sandisk U3 drives.
Last time I checked Sandisk had disabled the use of a "local" copy of cruzer-autorun.iso
Non-Sandisk U3 drives don't use cruzer-autorun.iso, the file name is different, just don't remember what is is at the moment.
I posted instructions for Non-U3 drives on my site a while back when I created a couple utilities for U3 drives.

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Last seen: 16 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-15 19:26
Works on Sandisks

I noted in the comments that it was for Sandisks. (I don't own a non-sandisk to test with.)
If you use the zip I pointed to it will work for sandisk U3's for sure.

Also the code used will find your usb no matter if it changed drive letters or not and not require admin priv.

Last seen: 16 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2008-10-16 10:04
Replacing U3 default launcher

Tried to replace the default U3 (anoying launcher), read about this 'hack' but for some odd reason, each time I plug the memstick in, it starts the default U3 software, and I want to use portableapps as default.
8GB sandisk U3 stick.

Simeon's picture
Last seen: 10 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2006-09-25 15:15

they changed somthing within the U3 launcher so the hack doesnt work any more.
But if you can still get rid of U3. You just wont have the easy auto run-ability.

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