GoogleTalkCategory: CommunicationDescription: Google Talk is a application for VoIP, instant messaging and Gmail notifier, offered by Google.
With GoogleTalk you can chat with all of your Google Talk and Gmail contacts in real time. You can talk to anyone else for free who's online and has the Google Talk client. If the person you're calling isn't available, you can leave a voicemail. Also you can send files to your contacts. There are no file size or bandwidth restrictions. When you're signed into Google Talk, you'll be notified of new messages in your Gmail inbox.
After you download this launcher place it in the appropriate folder (ie. X:\PortableApps\GoogleTalkPortable) and then execute it. It will prompt you for the location of the googletalk on your pc from where it will copy necessary files, and your ready to go.
You can download launcher from here:GoogleTalk Portable
Here is the paf installer (no app):GoogelTalk_Portable_1.0.0.104.paf.exe
- Fixed download links
- Created paf installer for the launcher.
- Fixed bug. Now launcher will exit when you close googletalk.
- Initial release.
When I close Google Talk Portable and try to eject my pen drive, Windows tell it cannot. I open task manager and found gogletalkportable.exe is running yet
H. Alexander Guillen G.
I don't have such problems, you should wait 1 minute after closing any portable app to finish writing to flash. Also it may have been running in the tray but windows hid the icon.
with my other 20+ portable apps
(including your Google Earth launcher)
H. Alexander Guillen G.
OK, my error, I uploaded older version. It is fixed now.
I tried it again and its not fixed yet. I think I am going to close it with the task manager ever or stick with Miranda or Pidgin... Thanks anyway...
H. Alexander Guillen G.
File version of the launcher is v1.0.1.0, please check that you have this one. I (and you) had trouble with v1.0.0.0.
EDIT: ok I think is working now...thanks
H. Alexander Guillen G.
have you tryed just removing your usb drive as windows vista and XP home and pro should auto eject with out any problems. As i have had a simmlar problem with my usb drive.
It works just fine!! good work