Outdated post - latest here
Application: Lightscreen
Category: Desktop
Description: Lightscreen allows you to create images of your desktop and even images of just windows alone. If you dont have access to MS paint then you can use this app.
Very useful tool.
Lightscreen Portable Download! [3.84MB download / 4.64MB installed]
(MD5: 9aab1ffefe8a3de9e3815eedca3684c7)
Release Notes:
Development Test 9 (2008-05-11)
Allows Custom Path Support! (As Requested By John T. Haller)
In Lightscreen, You May Change The Path, But Dont Change The Drive Letter!
Hope It's Ready
Development Test 8 Fix (2008-04-27)
Fixes issue IfError problem.
Development Test 8 (2008-04-23): Fix
Fixes again, something i forgot
Fixes Coming Soon (2008-04-24)
- I need to fix up the help.html file a bit. It still contains KompoZer and Nvu in it. I'm gonna fix that sometime today :)) (fixed)
- Gonna fix what Zack mentioned below (fixed)
Anyone think this is NOW ready for john's confiming to become offical?
I've just tried it out with vista ultimate sp1 and it ran well and didn't leave anything obvious left behind.
Your link should be a direct link to the file, just like most other downloads on this site are...all of them should be, IMHO
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
What is the .pafdata file for?
Everything works well, but you need to change something in your LightScreenPortable.nsi. - The IfErrors NoINI line should be moved up and go between
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Srry about that. thats from my portableapps menu
you can delete that if u want. ill delete it later
Na na na, come on!
Error Mention By Zach Fixed!
Na na na, come on!
Lightscreen Portable Development Test 9 Is Out With Custom Path Support. Please Read Top!
Na na na, come on!
i'm still having the same problem i have had since dev test 1. if i run it from say my desktop and set the path of the screenshots for the LightscreenPortable folder on my desktop, then move the folder somewhere else, it still uses the old path and creates a Lightscreen folder on my desktop again. i haven't been keeping up with the changes, but i thought before you had it defaulting the screenshot path to the Data directory; it defaulted to "C:" for me. anyways i guess the path stuff does get a little complicated but i was just the problem i see, which i guess isn't too big of a deal.
Yea If X:\Documents\Pictures\ doesnt exist it will put ur save location as X:\
Na na na, come on!
I just tried development test 9 in vista ultimate sp1, and it works well and leaves nothing obvious behind
Anyone think this is NOW ready for john's confiming to become offical?
Not yet. Even if it's flawless, even more flawless than John's launcher, he won't pre-release it until you have been doing it for at least a couple months. This guy's only been around for 16 days. Jooleem, the least tested official app (meaning it spent the smallest amount of time in the beta forums), has been official after about 3 months.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
how long the dev test has been around means nothing. the only factors are John's free time and the quality of the package. Though it seems John is trying to get the most useful dev tests out first, followed by most popular.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
I'm thinking that it is time, but the only exception would be for Jooleem, which John got won over by.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
Lightscreen portable is going into pre-release soon. By talking with John, it depends on if its ready or not. Not on time
Na na na, come on!
For the portable side of things i'd say it's ready. But on the base application side of things, the dev really needs to fix that timestamp file saving lol.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Yes i agree with that and i cannot fix that.

I hope its in pre-release soon!
Na na na, come on!
If it hasn't been reported in the forum, then report it yourself.
I reported it in the the bug tracker a couple weeks ago
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Relative paths work in this app, but you have to change it back each time you start the program up again because it overwrites the first letter with the current drive letter. You should test to see if it is an absolute path before changing that first letter. Other than that, this program works great. I haven't run into any other problems.
The app is supposed to do this. All apps here are meant to be used from a single drive with all the files they need on that same drive. So, it's supposed to change as you start it up.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I understand that it should change the path that it saves files to if the path that I have specified is an absolute path (ie. X:\Documents\Pictures\Screenshots) but if I specify a relative path (ie. ..\..\Documents\Pictures\Screenshots), it should not turn it change the first letter of the path (ie. X.\..\Documents\Pictures\Screenshots). The reason I bring this up is because I am using these portable apps on a folder that is synced to a server and then distributed to all my computers, but unless they all have the exact same %userprofile% path, they program does not store the files in the correct directory. If it is too hard to tell the difference between the two types of paths, maybe just an option to always ask where to save the file would be nice.
Ah, this won't work then. Many of the apps here are expecting that the full paths stay consistent and only work with full paths. Lightscreen is one of those apps. Other apps will also have issues with your setup. OpenOffice.org for instance, may not run because the path is too long.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I dont understand why you are using the ".." in the path.
You are able to change the save location but just not the X:\ part.
So if you go to one computer and your first drive letter was F, the launcher will change it to the current one (in this example H).
So it will look like this H:\PATH\CHOSEN\BY\YOU
There is really no need for the ".."
Na na na, come on!
He's using a roaming profile and has it in there. So it's on a network somewhere. On each PC, it'll be at %USERPROFILE%\Documents\PortableApps\LightScreen for instance... but %USERPROFILE% will be different on each PC.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Oh ok

The Launcher will just replace %USERPROFILE% with something else so it wont work, if accessed by someone else.
To skaterkfbs:
Why not just install the local version on your network and then have it launch from there?
Then it should work.
Na na na, come on!
To John:
OK. Yeah if it's not feasible, that's fine. I just thought it would be a nice feature. I can just make it save within the application folder.
To David:
I'm not quite sure what you are asking. The software I am using creates a folder in %USERPROFILE%\My Documents\ which is where all files must be if you want them to be put onto the server and then pulled down to the other computers. I would like to be able to take screen shots on any of my computers and have the files go into this folder so that I can also view them anywhere. I also have Lightscreen itself in this folder so that I can easily update it on all my computers.
that if you are not going from computer to computer and having possible drive letter changes all the time, then just use the regular local version installed on your server. The portablization of programs here is mainly to fix the changing drives and removal of some stuff from the program.
Don't be an uberPr∅. They are stinky.
Great program; works with no problems on WinXP x64.
The #1 programmer excuse for legitimately slacking off: "My code's compiling." --xkcd
I would like the app to open without the main window showing. However, the option to "hide the main window on startup" is grayed-out. Is this something that can be changed in the .ini?
I'm currently at school right now and do not have my flash drive with me. I will check it out.
Na na na, come on!
I appreciate you looking into it and letting me know you got the message.
Ok i looked into this at school but didnt have enough time.
I think i made a reg configuation but i doubt i did.
Na na na, come on!
the link is giving me the big old 404 error, is this project even active?
This is an old post. Latest is here, which also had a broken link until I just fixed it.