Unfortunately, you can't really do that with b23 and Brian, besides the B.
When I registered with that name I wasn't really thinking, and b23 rhymed.
Maybe I'll catch up with John later and get it changed.
I'm still not up to change my name...
(At least not until I'm 13...)
Unless if I can become Casey C.
But that'll mean I have a lot of passwords to change :P.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
what's the new title?
My username was changed from thibeaz to Zach Thibeau
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
Don't forget to put your old name in your sig, so people won't forget who you are.
I've been looking for a name change too, but never got around to asking.
Well its not hard to put 2 in 2 together for my username and my real name Brian
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
thibea Zach
Thibeau Zach
Zach Thibeau
Unfortunately, you can't really do that with b23 and Brian, besides the B.
When I registered with that name I wasn't really thinking, and b23 rhymed.
Maybe I'll catch up with John later and get it changed.
I still have the same old name
[goes away crying
come back! its all gonna be ok! i know zack was out to get you but it's not that bad.
and BTW zack, i kinda figured it was you, your last name looks a lot like your old username. congrats.
[Comes back with eyes still red]
Ok [sniff] I'm back [sniff], but I din't say that I was going away forever, just away from this post [sniff].
I wasn't trying to get you
but you should of seen the conversation John and I had changing my uname
I'll pull up the log for you to read it was funny
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
Also there's no need to. Waiting for the log
Well here goes....
JohnTHaller: Come on all the cool kids are doing it
thats it in a nut shell and thus I became Zach Thibeau on the forums
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
Congrats. I hope i meet the requirements some day. Which reminds me.....
Na na na, come on!
I'm still not up to change my name...
(At least not until I'm 13...)
Unless if I can become Casey C.
But that'll mean I have a lot of passwords to change :P.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
I finally got around to it (caught John on IRC when he wasn't really busy), and I'm part of the 'real name' crowd as well.
Changed my pic a bit too.
Just so you know.