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Portable GnuPG or similar

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Last seen: 17 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2006-04-04 03:09
Portable GnuPG or similar

Would it be possible to have a portable GnuPG or similar for use with Enigmail on Thunderbird?

Would be really cool to be able to have my encryption stuff with me.

Although, I'm not sure if you can copy keys from one machine/device to another... I'm pretty new to to whole thing.

Your thoughts and input appreciated.


Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-15 06:24
Check this out Andrew
Last seen: 17 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2006-04-04 03:09

Ooops.... missed that completely!!!

Thank you

Embarrassed now Wacko

artbarnes (not verified)

I'm going to second the idea of a portable gnupg - though I'm interested in it more for file encryption, not for sending emails. I'm not sure, but I *think* that the default version of gnupg operates as a standalone application - someone just needs to create a decent frontend for it.


Art Barnes

p0r748l3 (not verified)
try 'portable GnuPG/GPGshell'

GnuPG with the GPGshell frontend can be configured to read/write to an ini-file and will also accept relative paths - that's what I would call portable!

Grab a copy of GPGshell from and GnuPG from

Once installed, the GPGshell directory contains a file named 'GPGshell.htm' with detailed instructions on making the app portable. See sections 'If you want to use an INI-file ...' to 'Here you can find a tool ...'.

If your too lazy to build this yourself here's a temporary link: (the shell language is German; just delete the five *.lng files to reset to English)

Hope this helps!

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