I know it's not a listed option on the "device" menu, but I'm running PA from the new Microsoft Mesh platform (yay! I got a beta invite. Sorry, I have no spares left at the moment) and it works pretty well so far.
I've got FileZilla and Firefox following me from machine to machine - and working (apart from a small userid/password saving issue with FF - posted in the FF forum here)
Would love to see PA auto-mount when connecting to the Mesh folder like it does on insert of a USB key but it's no big deal.
For those of us who don't know why don't you tell us what Microsoft Mesh is and why you would love to have PA mount it.
A link perhaps would also help.
And again
Welcome to PortableApps.com
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
(I don't have Live mesh but I'm in the waiting list. If someone have an invite...
Sorry but i not really understand. :/
On your device menu you have add FFP?