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Compatibility of ReminderFox with T-Bird Portable

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Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
Joined: 2007-07-06 09:44
Compatibility of ReminderFox with T-Bird Portable

I've just added Reminderfox v1.7 to T-BirdPortable (no other T-Bird on the machine) and would like to specify the start page to be the "Reminder List" as mentioned in the installation notes at

I confess that I don't know what chrome is all about or how references to it should work but chrome://reminderfox/content/addreminder-dialog.xul doesn't do the business for me. According to extensions.rdf, "Options" and "About" seem to be .xul in chrome and they work OK.

How should I specify this "path" in T-Bird so as to retain portability?

Similarly (or perhaps not), how should I specify the .ics file location within ReminderFox so as to retain portability (or does extensions.ini handle this)?


Edit: D'oh! If I drop below the level of RSS or Local Folders or a newsserver then, in classic view, I see the "Reminder List" in the lower pane. Haven't yet tested on another machine.