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Install and Boot UBCD from a USB Thumbdrive

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Install and Boot UBCD from a USB Thumbdrive

In this simplified USB Ultimate Boot CD walkthrough tutorial, we will demonstrate How To create a USB bootable Ultimate Boot CD (UBCD) using a Windows host PC to create the USB UBCD. Ultimate Boot CD is an awesome PC diagnostics tool that condenses over 100 useful PC diagnostics and hardware troubleshooting tools into a single easy to use interface.

USB Ultimate Boot CD (UBCD) prerequisites:
* UBCDfix2.exe (does the USB conversion)
* USB flash drive
* A windows host PC to perform the build

Simple USB Ultimate Boot CD How-To:

1. Download and launch UBCDfix2.exe, a UBCD folder is created.
2. Download the UBCD ISO and move to your UBCD folder
3. From the UBCD folder, click fixubcd2.bat and follow the onscreen instructions
4. Reboot and set your computer to Boot from the USB device
5. On next launch, you should be booting Ultimate Boot CD from your USB stick

Update 05/19/08: The script now moves the extracted files to the flash drive automatically. It has been tested to work in both XP and Vista.