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Google Docs Offline

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Last seen: 16 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-26 11:22
Google Docs Offline

Ok - I have searched the forums, and don't see an answer, so here goes:

Now that Google Docs has off-line sync, I wonder about using it with Firefox Portable?

If I install the google gears add-on to FF Portable, will this install and direct all my google doc sync to the thumb drive? This would be excessively useful: to be able to sync online, plug into an offline computer, work on the google docs, and next time I plug in to an online computer, it syncs again...

So, the question is, does anything need to be done with google gears to make it portable? Has anyone looked in to whether this will dump my docs to the "host" computer instead of my thumb drive? Should I just go ahead and mail my soul to google?

Thanks for the help!

roamer's picture
Last seen: 15 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-21 16:01

not much can be done to make an extension more portable, unless you modify the code itself. Google gears, though I've never used it, may not remember where it's should store a file from google docs seeing that it is on a changeable drive letter. Just be sure pre-sync that the drive letter is the one that your drive currently is (If settings say E:/Documents and the current folder is Q:/Documents you should change the settings in google gears).

It may leave some files on host pc, I haven't tested this.

And to your last question, yes, but they only accept email and faxes Smile

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