I was suggest earlier virtualization app, based on QEMU, but John has declined it by licensing issues (fmod).
Dear John!
what do you think about portable (thinstalled) Virtual PC 2007?
Just one file, and just it work (tested by myself).
Only 60 Mb. [linked removed by moderator PP until further discussion]
It's free and legal UNTIL YOU REDISTRIBUTE ANY WINDOWS VIRTUAL MACHINE, but no any reason to decline redist of open source VMs (Linux, xBSD, OpenSolaris).
But it has only one issue:
because virtual machines contains files, which may have size greater 2Gb (typical desktop distribution of Linux), it's recommended place to NTFS filesystem, i.e. - NTFS formatted USB drive.
But Windows Vista mounts removable NTFS drives as readonly by default. This can caused abnormal behavior of VPC and VMs. This requires add full access permissions for current user.
Best Regards
[removed download link for now as this may very well be illegal, we'll wait for some comments on it - moderator PP]
Welcome to PortableApps.com
I was about to remove the link you provided and discovered that it had just been deleted.
By way of explanation, the reason I was going to give is that I don't believe you can redistribute Thinstall applications since it is neither free or open source, this is in addition to any questions about Virtual PC 2007 itself.
Since you mentioned John having licensing issues in the past,
(BTW you said I was suggest earlier ... do you have another account with us, or did you mean It was suggested earlier, i.e., by another user?)
I'm guessing you are aware of the legal, ethical, and moral restraints we operate under.
Sorry if the response to your first post here seems harsh
but again, Welcome
Moderator Tim
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
> "By way of explanation, the reason I was going to give is that I don't believe you can redistribute Thinstall applications since it is neither free or open source, this is in addition to any questions about Virtual PC 2007 itself."
OK, "Moderator is always right" =).
But You must separate "Thinstall License", that applied to VMware's Thinstall Virtualization Suite, and a "thinstalled app license", that depends on license of original software which was "thinstalled" (maked portable with Thinstall VS).
Thinstall VS License not prohibit licenses of any app which was "thinstalled". Then, "Portable Virtual PC 2007" must used with same license as original MS VPC 2007.
VPC license allow free redistribution, do you agree?
> It was suggested earlier, i.e., by another user?
No, it was by e-mail.
"I'll be back!"
Actually the Thinstall License is included in the Thinstall binaries, that are used on the Thinstalled Apps. As the Thinstall License is closed source and as all of those limitations, so do Thinstalled Apps.
Beyond that, even that Microsoft VirtualPC 2007 allows redistribution, it does not surely allow redistribution of modified binaries (repackaging with other stuff may be considered modification, and "thinstalling" too).
Also, Windows (9x/NT/2k/XP/2k3/Vista/any other version) is not legal to use at the same time in more than one PC (even if it does not recognize it), so it is illegal to provide it for download, even without being validated, whatever the way it is used to provide it.
As this is not a warez site (as you probably know) Thinstalled VirtualPC with/without Windows will not be available for download for sure.
1. from Thinstall License Agreement:
modify, translate, adapt, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise translate or create derivative works based on the Software, except solely to the extent expressly permitted by applicable law and with advance notice of such activity to Vendor; (b) use the Software to provide any facility management, time sharing, service bureau, or other similar services to third parties; (c) rent, lease or sublicense the Software to a third party; (d) remove any product identification, proprietary, copyright or other notices contained in the Software; or (e) disclose or distribute: (i) benchmarks or other comparisons relating to the Software or (ii) any information relating to the results of your use of the Software (including relating to performance, function, or deficiencies of the Software) or contained in any documentation, report, or questionnaire of Vendor."
"2.3. License Restrictions. You shall not:
well, where is violations?
"Beyond that, even that Microsoft VirtualPC 2007 allows redistribution, it does not surely allow redistribution of modified binaries (repackaging with other stuff may be considered modification, and "thinstalling" too)."
If I remember in right, MSEULA prohibits "reversing, deriving, and modifying".
Well, well, well.
a) reversing: no source code or assembler dumps was produced by Thinstall
b) deriving: deriving is a incorporating third-party (MS) code into your code with changing of first, and as result - more functionality. No extensions was made until thinstalling
c) modifying: I think that result of modifying is a behavioral changes (such as removing nag screens, bypassing trials). No behavioral changes.
"Also, Windows (9x/NT/2k/XP/2k3/Vista/any other version) is not legal to use at the same time in more than one PC (even if it does not recognize it), so it is illegal to provide it for download, even without being validated, whatever the way it is used to provide it."
If you can run Virtual PC - you also have Windows License and not need more =).
I not suggest redistribute Windows VMs. Why not Mandriva 2007.0?
But if you still think about this as warez - let's kill this thread.
But I think that you wrong.
I used a legal tool for legal actions with free and legal product.
I was not sell it, rent it, or crack it.
Because I think that is not warez.
"I'll be back!"
Taken from the Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 License:
Right to Use and Distribute.
Distribution. You may copy and distribute the software. You may not modify the software. You must distribute a complete copy of the software, including set-up and these license terms.
Re-Distribution. You may permit third parties to copy and distribute the software.
Distribution Requirements. If you distribute the software with your programs, you must:
Distribution Restrictions.
You may not
So, what do we have here?
Distribution. You may copy and distribute the software. You may not modify the software. You must distribute a complete copy of the software, including set-up and these license terms.
We are allowed to redistribute. We must leave the app untouched, and provide only the setup file to the user to install.
It does not speak of repackaging, so it is assumed that is not allowed, as repackaging can be (and is) considered modification.
As it would not be the Virtual PC install executable to be provided to download, but a Virtual Machine with binaries it would be considered illegal.
Beyond that, that part of the Thinstall license limits a lot of things to third party users, making it available to download is to allow third party users to use it, so it can be considered illegal.
And in matter of fact, there are better alternatives, as QEMU. As the virtual sound libraries are being fixed it will be available to download soon. A good graphical interface for QEMU is qtEMU, in my opinion, so that way less experienced users don't have problems. Another good app in Virtual Box OSE (Open Source Edition). And (for now) this site only uses OSS software (what means using a license approved by the OSI, like GPL).
By the way, being more than a file is not a problem here, be granted of that, if it is OSS it can be modified to use one folder for all.
Also, where can I find the Thinstall License for download? I have been searching it and I seem not to be able to find it.
Sence patrick patience did something to the download link there must be a reason why he did that.
A portable virtual machine i would use is virtual box portable.
If Virtual PC is written by microsoft then it might be illigal.
But welcome to portableapps.com
Na na na, come on!
Thank you!
Virtual Box has two features, that I not like:
1. As QEMU, this one consists of many files.
2. Export/import VMs under VBox is not trivial as simple copying. It need working with API etc.
Now I have three self-written VM packaging and deployment engines: One for VPC, one for MS Virtual Server 2005, and one for QEMU. But only in MSVS version it need call API for registering new .vmc file.
Opposite this, Portable VPC packed to single file, supports VPC's command line, and can be simple launched from shell/other process. Managing VMs also simple - let's open and process .vmc, that simple XML file.
It's not open, it's not flexible and fast as VBox. But, In many cases this comfortable =).
"I'll be back!"
Saves info in appdata, and I believe both HKLM and HKCU. I'm considering making a wrapper, if I can, as its free from windows, but would prefer OSS. Suggestions?
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
Virtual PC 2007 stores Virtual Machine info in appdata, and only uses HKLM to store the settings, but also uses HKCR for file associations, type libraries, and class registration. (It only reads from HKCU to get the location of appdata)
i was reading your "MS Virtual PC 2007 License" post and thought, "Why cant we just make a launcher for it?" meaning, if you want MS VPC 2007 Portz, you download the full proggy directly from MS to avoid legal conflict and then we just provide a launcher for it that can take it and make it portable. technically, that is a loop hole in the liscense that allows you to make it portable.
also, maybe someone could make something seperate to download that could take the MS VPC installer and modify it as you install into a .paf format, once again avoiding the redistribution liscense crap.
To Get Portable Virtual Box, visit:
VMWare x Virtual PC x Virtual Box:
The problem with Portable Virtual PC is that only works if you have administrator access/password.
Your investigation may need to focus on something else - ClamWin reports that Appdata\bin\VMNetSrv\uninstall.exe is "Trojan.Fakedoc-2".
there was no problem with it.
It is safe by my testing.
Please search before posting. ~Thanks