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Insane Idea: Dev Coins/Credits

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digitxp's picture
Last seen: 13 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2007-11-03 18:33
Insane Idea: Dev Coins/Credits

Patrick, LOGAN, alpha1, and I were talking about this on IRC: Logan started out talking about ways to get more devs on the channel, then it got to dev contributions. We were talking about how perhaps we get virtual 'coins' we can use to buy a theme for our PApp, get money for making an app, lose money if it's not working, and get more money if you fix it. It sounds kinda 'playful'. Here, look at my log:

alpha1beta	hey digit, do you know how to complile that
alpha1beta	I'm trying ti turbo delphi but getting no where fast
digitxp	I know, but I couldn't install it.
LOGAN	wht about wxDecC++?
digitxp	300 MB for just a download.
alpha1beta	yea that was a PITA
LOGAN	Turbo Delphi is as limited as basic on a c64
alpha1beta	do you know anything off the top of your head that might help me?
LOGAN	(and the commodore 128 basic was (c) Microsoft Corp
digitxp	Yeah, John!
digitxp	And XRXCA and Smithtech!
digitxp	They all have Delphi...
alpha1beta	well i'm hopeless
digitxp	I'm starting to wonder why John made PAM with such a proprietary language.
LOGAN	so the only way is to get illegal delphi to compile this open source
alpha1beta	John's been on the Irc once this week,probably won't be back, and smithtech and XRXCA i've never seen
alpha1beta	well i wonder if i could mirgrate most of the Jackknife code to NSIS
pabot	powerjuce is here
LOGAN	start petition to get more devs to this channel
powerjuce	hey pabot is here
alpha1beta	yea we should
alpha1beta	hey Powerjuce
powerjuce	hey al
powerjuce	hey alpha1beta
LOGAN	give'em 1 virtuaDollar ver visit per day
powerjuce	well who else should be devs?
LOGAN	when they get 50 VirduaDollars they can buy a voice
alpha1beta	or 1$ monoploy money
powerjuce	pabot, ping
pabot	powerjuce: pong
alpha1beta	someday I'd like to be a dev but i got a lot more to learn first
LOGAN	alpha1beta : better virtuaDollars as monopoly credits need to be printed etc
	*** pabot is now known as powerjuce
alpha1beta	virtual monoploy money anyone?
LOGAN	monoploy?
alpha1beta	you know what i mean lol
digitxp	Okay, well do it!
LOGAN	your dyslectic
alpha1beta	nope
digitxp	That sounds nice.
LOGAN	hehe
alpha1beta	just not paying a lot of attention to the irc ATM
powerjuce	who else should be devs?
LOGAN	sure sure
digitxp	And for 500 VirtualDollars you get admin access.
powerjuce	wats devs or OP?
digitxp	Okay, here's a new motivation system:
LOGAN	1.5 years?
digitxp	for every app you make, you get 25 VirtualDollars.
LOGAN	do launchers only also count?
digitxp	For every app that doesn't work, you lose 15 VirtualDollars.
digitxp	If you fix it, you get 20 VirtualDollars.
	LOGAN pounds his chest
LOGAN	digitxp : unfair
LOGAN	promote perfect work
digitxp	Launchers only get 24, since they won't really contribute to portableApps until later
digitxp	Then for every translation, you also get 25.
LOGAN	and an not working link will give -250 credits
digitxp	Lol
LOGAN	digitxp : you'll have -2500 credits
digitxp	For every theme, you get 10 V$
LOGAN	hmm only 0?
LOGAN	10**
digitxp	You can even trade.
alpha1beta	and everytime you get kicks -100v$
digitxp	Like for a theme for a PApp, the dev gives the themer 15 V$
LOGAN	i trade you an URL correction for 25v$
digitxp	R...
	digitxp kicks alpha1beta 100 times, making him lose 10,000 v$
digitxp	Lol
digitxp	But I only know patrick can do that on his server.
alpha1beta	kicked for good reasons
LOGAN	pabot need to be upgraded with banking facility
digitxp	Lol
alpha1beta	well lets just say ben Won't be ricj
alpha1beta	rich*
digitxp	.tell rmccue we have a great money scheme
digitxp	I was just thinking, we should call them helpfullness coins- dollars is kinda discrimminating
PatrickPatience	Australian money's like impossible to rip, it's weird.
alpha1beta	hey digit you think most of the code in that would easily transfer to NSIS?
PatrickPatience	digitxp: 'dollars is kinda discrimminating'?
digitxp	alpha1beta: I gues...
alpha1beta	i hope....
alpha1beta	and pray
digitxp	PatrickPatience: Yeah, I mean England uses pounds, and dollars kinda='s greed.
PatrickPatience	Why?
LOGAN	PatrickPatience : why is it iscriminating?
LOGAN	ok lets call it credits
digitxp	No, that means you can give them unlimitedly.
LOGAN	at least they sont seem to be inflatious
alpha1beta	lol
digitxp	You wanna do it so you can get a theme for an app only if you put enough effort into it to show it's worth a theme.
digitxp	This'll get complicated.
LOGAN	so I can pay a dev some creds to get a skin for an application?
alpha1beta	you can pay me to do it :D
digitxp	yeah.
LOGAN	so we need a bank bot?
digitxp	No, people like sergentsiler don't come around IRC, so it'll have to be integrated into a website.
digitxp	With a database.
digitxp	And Drupal.
digitxp	Too bad nobody would have that much time to make such a site.
LOGAN	no Virtual Bank site?
digitxp	Well...
digitxp	We could do a tracker person that keeps track of all the contributions...
digitxp	And then we could request...
digitxp	But that'll be hard also.
digitxp	People will just have to be trustworthy and keep track of their own.
PatrickPatience	Haha.
alpha1beta	yea...right
PatrickPatience	How 'bout we all just have a little goodness in out hearts and do this in the spirit of free software. :P
alpha1beta	or you have a banker who decides not be in it at all
digitxp	Yeah, it's fun...
LOGAN	maybe we could use NGUcash to manage? lol
digitxp	It kinda removes the communism view in OSS.
digitxp	So it doesn't look like we are just plain being good out of our hearts (and get called communists like what happened to Richard Stallman)
digitxp	and it looks like we're competing in a nerdy little monopoly game :P
PatrickPatience	What's wrong with a communism view is open source?
PatrickPatience	I think that's one of the places where it's more appropriate.
digitxp	Please can you rephrase?
digitxp	I don't get what you're saying, PatrickPatience

It sounds kinda strange, right? And yet it sounds so interesting... It's kinda like PopSci's PPX.

Patrick Patience
Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2007-02-20 19:26

I said nothing about your 'coin' idea. Blum I was just talking about communism in the software society, and cool Australian money. Blum

José Pedro Arvela
Last seen: 2 weeks 3 days ago
Joined: 2007-07-10 07:29
So... let me get this strait


For every app 25 virtual coins
For every launcher 24 virtual coins
For every translation 25 virtual coins

For every malfunction -15 virtual coins
For every fix of a malfunction 20 virtual coins

You need 50 virtual coins for a voice
and 500 virtual coins for admin access

And people have to trust each other...
(I need to learn JavaScript + XUL + PHP fast so I can save these guys!!!)

I know that if this works I am in and translating as crazy (from that day on I will only accept translations together with app to be translated togheter)
(and I need to learn NSIS!!!)

Kevin Porter
Kevin Porter's picture
Last seen: 10 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2007-01-10 19:25
No. Just, no.

First of all, I'd like to address the voice and Op thing: it isn't going to happen. No offense to Ryan, but I know him well enough that he isn't just going to give people Op and voice for no specific reason, just because some sort of credit system tells him he needs to. (For those that don't know, Ryan runs the IRC essentially. He's the top dog there.) And personally, I would agree with that. Just because you jump through some hoops shouldn't give you special privileges, especially not Op. I think that decision definitely needs to be determined by trust, experience, and reliability. Not because some user has a bunch of these credits. Now, one thing to address while I'm on my high-horse, I also think that there needs to be more than just three Ops. Right now there's only Patrick, Ryan, and John. I think that we need to elect a/some new Op(s). Everyone, let me know what you think about that.

About the themes, that's just pointless as well. It defeats the whole Open Source philosophy. We're supposed to give everything free, with the source attached. Need I explain any more?

Don't take it personally, but you're right. This was an absolutely insane idea.

You can vote for the new Op at this thread:

"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook

digitxp's picture
Last seen: 13 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2007-11-03 18:33
I wanna break it down.

I know the idea was insane, but the reason I said that was because nobody would have enough time to build an e-points subwebsite for
First of all, I'd like to address the voice and Op thing: it isn't going to happen. No offense to Ryan, but I know him well enough that he isn't just going to give people Op and voice for no specific reason, just because some sort of credit system tells him he needs to. It was just an example, there could be other things to get with it...
Just because you jump through some hoops shouldn't give you special privileges, especially not Op. I think that decision definitely needs to be determined by trust, experience, and reliability. Not because some user has a bunch of these credits. The coins would be given for fixing apps, making apps, etc. all reliability things. You get the coins when you contribute decently, not when you spend 20 bucks. Blum
Now, one thing to address while I'm on my high-horse, I also think that there needs to be more than just three Ops. Right now there's only Patrick, Ryan, and John. I think that we need to elect a/some new Op(s). Everyone, let me know what you think about that. What are OP's?

I still love the coin system, I had it in 2nd grade, where we could by pencils with our tokens.

Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.

Kevin Porter
Kevin Porter's picture
Last seen: 10 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2007-01-10 19:25

I'm not sure what you said about contributing "decently" and "spending 20 bucks," but I'm not going to go any further about that.

An Op is a channel operator (administrator). They can kick, ban, voice, and Op other people.

Also, that may have worked in second grade, but I don't think it's going to cut it here. Although many of us might be kids/teens, that still won't work. I think that we need to maintain the Open Source philosophy, not this Communist-like philosophy that I think that this coin system will bring.

Btw, I'm an Op now as well.

"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook

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