Inspired by a thread in the ThunderbirdPortable-Forum, I had an idea how to make ThunderbirdPortable the default email-client. There are quite a lot of threads out there in webforums and blogs about this, i didn't find a solution.
I want to present my way here, and would like to know your opinion about it: Does it seem to work save? Could this work for other to? Would it work on other computers (vista), too? And most interessting: could there be made a reg-file-template to make the process easier for other users?
I know, this is kind of difficult and can only be done by advanced users!!!
And I'm not really sure yet, if it works! It seems to, but a lot of more testing has to be done! Notice: this modification leaves traces of TB on your system, other than the usual use of TBportable.
Try this at your own risk!!!
Here it comes: (Done on XP SP2)
- 1. Download RegSnap (Free Demo Version) and install it.
2. Start ThunderbirdPortable, click "Tools" -> "Options" -> choose the tab "General"
3. Let ThunderbirdPortable open in the background and start RegSnap. Create a Registry Snapshot (choose "only Registry", not "complete system". This save a lot of time). Let the window with the Snapshot just stay open, no need to save it (for that you would have to buy RegSnap)
4. Change back to ThunderbirdPortable "Options". At "Always check to see if Thunderbird is the default email client..." click on "Check now"
5. Click on "OK" to let Thunderbird set itself as the default Email Client. (Notice: Thats only the half way! Just using this option does not work for ThunderbirdPortable!)
6. Change back to RegSnap. Create a new Snapshot of the registry. Now you have two snapshot-windows open. These Snapshot you can compare, and you can create a .reg file to undo and redo the changes. We need the .reg-File to REDO the changes!
7. Open the *REDO.reg-File in Notepad.
8. Just delete the unimportant MRU- registy-entries, we dont need them here.
9. Everywhere the path to *\\App\\thunderbird\\thunderbird.exe appears, change this path to the *\\thunderbirdportable.exe Leave everything else as it is!
10. Save the reg-file and execute it. Now ThunderbirdPortable should be the default Email client. You can test it by right-click on a file -> "send to" -> "Email". Now the ThunderbirdPortable Splash-Screen should appear...
[11. If anything went wrong, you can use the *undo.reg-File created by Regsnap to undo every registry-Setting you have changed during the process]
In the following I want to present my .reg-File. I hope that someone else can try this HowTo so we could compare the .regs. If they are the same (at least for XP SP2), perhaps the RegSnap-process is not needed for other users.
; This file was generated automatically by RegSnap (c) Vitas Ramanchauskas, LastBit Software, http://lastbit.com, support@lastbit.com
; VERY IMPORTANT! This file may be dangerous under certain conditions.
; You should review this file at first! Read RegSnap documentation for more information.
@="D:\\Eigene Dateien\\PortableApps\\ThunderbirdPortable2\\App\\thunderbird\\MapiProxy.dll"
@="Mozilla MAPI"
@="D:\\Eigene Dateien\\PortableApps\\ThunderbirdPortable2\\thunderbirdportable.exe /MAPIStartUp"
@="D:\\Eigene Dateien\\PortableApps\\ThunderbirdPortable2\\thunderbirdportable.exe,0"
@="\"D:\\Eigene Dateien\\PortableApps\\ThunderbirdPortable2\\thunderbirdportable.exe\" -osint -compose \"%1\""
@="\"D:\\Eigene Dateien\\PortableApps\\ThunderbirdPortable2\\thunderbirdportable.exe\" -osint -compose \"%1\""
@="D:\\Eigene Dateien\\PortableApps\\ThunderbirdPortable2\\thunderbirdportable.exe,0"
@="Mozilla MAPI"
@="Mozilla MAPI"
@="\"D:\\Eigene Dateien\\PortableApps\\ThunderbirdPortable2\\thunderbirdportable.exe\" \"%1\""
@="D:\\Eigene Dateien\\PortableApps\\ThunderbirdPortable2\\thunderbirdportable.exe,0"
@="Mozilla Thunderbird"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\Mail\Mozilla Thunderbird]
@="Mozilla Thunderbird"
"DLLPath"="D:\\Eigene Dateien\\PortableApps\\ThunderbirdPortable2\\App\\thunderbird\\mozMapi32.dll"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\Mail\Mozilla Thunderbird\shell]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\Mail\Mozilla Thunderbird\shell\properties]
@="Thunderbird &Options"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\Mail\Mozilla Thunderbird\shell\properties\command]
@="\"D:\\Eigene Dateien\\PortableApps\\ThunderbirdPortable2\\thunderbirdportable.exe\" -options"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\Mail\Mozilla Thunderbird\shell\open]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\Mail\Mozilla Thunderbird\shell\open\command]
@="\"D:\\Eigene Dateien\\PortableApps\\ThunderbirdPortable2\\thunderbirdportable.exe\" -mail"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\Mail\Mozilla Thunderbird\InstallInfo]
"ShowIconsCommand"="\"D:\\Eigene Dateien\\PortableApps\\ThunderbirdPortable2\\App\\thunderbird\\uninstall\\helper.exe\" /ShowShortcuts"
"ReinstallCommand"="\"D:\\Eigene Dateien\\PortableApps\\ThunderbirdPortable2\\App\\thunderbird\\uninstall\\helper.exe\" /SetAsDefaultAppGlobal"
"HideIconsCommand"="\"D:\\Eigene Dateien\\PortableApps\\ThunderbirdPortable2\\App\\thunderbird\\uninstall\\helper.exe\" /HideShortcuts"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\Mail\Mozilla Thunderbird\DefaultIcon]
@="D:\\Eigene Dateien\\PortableApps\\ThunderbirdPortable2\\thunderbirdportable.exe,0"
Please let me know, what you think about it!
I think that these temporary defaults will be included.
I really need to learn Delphi. I'll make a launcher that'll do that in Delphi-as soon as I learn it.
@John: Would menu features like an app manager or a file associator (like eXpresso) be integrated into the menu or a seperate program?
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.