Another alternative could be Pocket K-Meleon, if you think that Firefox Portable starts not very fast. It can also be configured to be detected as Opera, Firefox, IE or Seamonkey. More about that and to download: PortableFreeware:Pocket K-Meleon V1.15
Opera is a closed source application and this site specializes in open source, at this time. There are other legitimate sites working on portable versions of this app, but to my knowledge, no one has a working version of 9.50 yet.
Why, Portable firefox is probably better.
Also use a search on internet and you will find portable opera for usb already created.
Phil Jobling, UK
"search button, what search button ? doh!"
I just downloaded Opera 9.5 USB and it looks great!
Kejut doesn't yet have a 9.5 version but I'm sure it's in the works.
Both version work just fine with PAM. just put the whole opera dir in the with the rest of your Portable programs like normal. no fuss no muss.
"No one man can terrorize a whole nation unless we are all his accomplices." - Edward R. Murrow
Another alternative could be Pocket K-Meleon, if you think that Firefox Portable starts not very fast. It can also be configured to be detected as Opera, Firefox, IE or Seamonkey. More about that and to download: PortableFreeware:Pocket K-Meleon V1.15
Opera is a closed source application and this site specializes in open source, at this time. There are other legitimate sites working on portable versions of this app, but to my knowledge, no one has a working version of 9.50 yet.
OperaUSB has had a version out for a few days, at least.
Mebbe Kejut's version, too - I haven't checked there as yet...
Bone appetit!
"I don't hate long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine
Welcome back, Preacher.
PortableApps only support OSS certified softwares, as closed-source softwares are more restrictive with software modifications.