CPU-ID is a small but handy tool for getting the system specs of any windows computer. This Program is freeware so you have to download and un-zip the application from the site below.
website CPU-Id
CPU-ID zip CPU-ID Zip file (extract to /CPU-IDPortbale/App/CPU-ID)
Download Launcher CPU-ID launcher
[Megs download 401k/installed 563k]
[MD5 Sum-29f228c43931cd22f3b444d17db34853]
Release Notes
In the help.html
* Add the Cpu-Id portable support (this thread address)
* Also add the base app support (link to a forum, a help file)
* There is also a random word at the top(Ten)
initial release
Please test and comment!
the installer has no icon...
In the help.html
In the App dir
That is the initial search/test
I will get back onto this later
see ya
Please search before posting. ~Thanks
I just wonder why you named this launcher CPUID instead of CPU-Z? CPUID is the software manufacturer as far as I know.
well for 2 reasons i guess
1 in it's splash screen it calls it CPU-ID and 2 CPU-Z isn't very descriptive while CPU-ID tells you what it does
I may change it, I don't know yet.
I know you did GPU-Z which I was actually thinking of doing myself, so thanks for lightening my load, which works nicely, and maybe we could package these together as a Computer info suite or something of that sort, if you'd like to my email is on my homepage we can figure something out.
after a tiny bit of research it seems CPU-ID is the internet stuff it uses to find the info and the program is CPU-Z
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Well I vote for changing the name to CPU-Z, but feel free to do what you like - I may as well change the name on my thumbstick myself.
Indeed I've done GPU-Z and few minutes ago I released my HWMonitor (this app also comes from CPU-ID team) launcher. However I don't know if it's necessary to combine CPU-Z + GPU-Z + whatever else into one portable app. I think it's more flexible like it's done now since you don't have to have both apps to use only one of them.
On the CPUID site, the link to the Intel Core 2 Duo version read "404 not found" for
those interested.
Thanks for spotting that, It's been updated so the link moved, I updated the link to the new version 1.4.6
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The download link for the launcher still says 1.4.5.
I'll update that when I can, just lost a USB stick to corruption so that's on the front burner, but The launcher doesn't change any, except for the name, So it is still usable as is
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I think the app should be named CPU-Z and not CPUID, though the CPU-Z is created by the developers of at CPUID
Another thing is that for the cpuz.ini, since that is considered "user options" it should be placed inside the Data/settings folder. It's not changed normally but it can contain user-configurable options, so should be put in the Data folder to be backed up.
Otherwise, another great launcher addition!
hey, thanks for the input sylikc
I'm going to change the name back with the next release, I'll look at that cpuz.ini and see if it's possible to move it, not all things are movable
Thanks again
*explaination of why i used CPU-ID*
CPU-Z was kinda undescriptive and at the time i was unclear on whether CPU-ID was the cpmany(which i have since then found out it is) or the product.
only waiting to chnage the name back tilt he next release because i will update the installer as well
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It may or may not be necessary to "move" the cpuz.ini . Instead, many launchers may leave the the ini in the application directory, but copy it from the settings directory on launch, and copy it back when it's done. (Or move it there and move it back, but a copy's safer from settings->app in case the launcher crashes).