Application: IcoFX
Category: Graphics & Pictures
Description: IcoFX is an absolutely lovely utility for editing, creating, and doing other things with icons. It's quite handy when you have some batch editing to be done, and it's the only closed source piece of software I use on Windows. Word on the street is is may become open source at some point in the future. I have no idea when.
Download IcoFX Portable Launcher (Test 1) [300KB download / 370KB installed]
Release Notes:
Test 1 (2008-06-23):
- Completely Format. Changes language based on future Menu variables. Updates drive letter in recent files, etc, etc...
Notes - General & Install:
This file is a launcher only, and therefore you must download the IcoFX Portable Edition binaries from here. Install instructions can be found in IcoFXPortable\App\IcoFX, but you basicially just need to extract the zip, and place the .exe, .dll's, folders, etc in the archive in IcoFX X.Y under IcoFXPortable\App\IcoFX. This launcher was designed for IcoFX 1.6.X.
Wine 1.0 on Ubuntu 8.04
I am no decent tester, but settings are kept between sessions. Seems to be able not to use local install settings. And it is going straight to my pen
EDIT: Seems to freeze when running from pen.
Thanks for testing. I'll check running from a flash drive when my new one arrives.
I don't have any ATM. It did have a problem with compression (doubled when I tried to compress the IcoFX binaries), so I'm not sure.
... you can still create launchers for it.
I think that's what he did.
Signature automatically removed for containing links
he did?
thats cool!
Never exits program when hit X button, is always not responding.
May the Shwartz be with you
I'm downloading the launcher, I'll post my feedback later.
Seems to work fine right now.
I noticed that the configurations are saved under \App\IcoFX\IcoFX\config.cfg, and not under \Data. I guess this is the way IcoFX portable (not the PortableApps version) was made, but I think this should be stored in data to avoid mixing user settings with the application's binaries.
I'm running on XP SP2 with a Kingston DataTraveler USB thumbdrive.
Powerjuce told me that nothing gets moved to Data. I must have messed something up.
nice launcher!
although it always stops responding
(kind of a alternative from Stardock's IconDeveloper)
When you update the launcher, you might want to update the help file too. It says "General FileZilla Issues"
Edit: I also found something in the launcher code. Line 178 should say quickcolors instead of colors. I'm not exactly sure why the settings are not backed up to the Data directory on exit. Maybe somebody with more experience could have a look at this? I hope you get this fixed, I really like having my programs in PAF.
Edit 2: Update to the new installer as well.
This app is already portable. Made by IcoFX developers.
"If you'd like to run IcoFX from your USB drive or mobile HDD you can download the portable edition here."
Na na na, come on!
lol kthxbai.
Just checking if this is still in development as I think its a great tool and has even more use in an open source community such as this one : )
Also with soon to be making official freeware ports this would be good to have waiting in the wings like CCleaner and Unlocker : ) Advocate
Rename "$SETTINGSDIRECTORY\quickcolors.dat" "$PROGRAMDIRECTORY\IcoFX\quickcolors.dat
"Anybody got a mirror of the Launcher?
Not sure if it's the same but I have an icofx launcher
EDIT: Was the same anyway
Patrick can you re-up the launcher please? Advocate
i f1x0r3d the file, thx 2 Bart.S.
Cheers Advocate
works fine !
Could you do a launcher for IcoFX's twin application 'AniFX'.
I would like that as well. A Launcher for AniFX would be swell. Also, download link is broken. Anyone have a mirror?
Patrick, would you mind if I updated this? I will add the live installer and additional language support.
I am having trouble with the standard version freezing so badly that I have to uninstall and reinstall it to keep it going. I had high hopes of picking up the PA version here.
Patrick, you've started something great.
If you don't have time to finish up, could you let prapper update?
Thank you!