I've noticed abundance of messages here with a similar title.
Well, someone on IRC mentioned coding a script to install Flush, I mean, Flash to FireFox Portable.
EDITI made a package. It is in my download directory
@PTMB: I'd like to see your script. I sent you my contact info. But, alas, I will lack the ability to reply until Monday.
Here's the updated code:
Menu, Tray, NoStandard Menu, Tray, Add, Exit Flash Installer, turnoff Gosub, startagreement MsgBox, This program needs to download flash. It will connect to the internet and download the file for you. This may take some time. Press okey to continue. UrlDownloadToFile, http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/xpi/current/flashplayer-win.xpi, flashplayer.zip MsgBox, You should now have the file. Check to make sure, then click okay to continue. The program will use the files in the 7zip folder to extract the needed flash files. Runwait, /7zip/7za.exe e flashplayer.zip NPSWF32.dll flashplayer.xpt MsgBox, Okay, We've extracted the files. So, now we need to know just where extactly to to put them.`nPlease locate the the folder containing FoxPortable.exe FileSelectFolder, FireFoxPortable Gosub, CheckIt MsgBox, Okay, Now we'll install the files to your folder FileMove, NPSWF32.dll, %FireFoxPortable%\Data\Plugins\NPSWF32.dll, 1 FileMove, flashplayer.xpt, %FireFoxPortable%\Data\Plugins\flashplayer.xpt ,1 Gosub, End return startagreement: MsgBox, 4,, You have elected to use this installer to download the Flash Plug-in for Mozilla FireFox, Portable Edition`nPortableApps.com does not warrant this program to download the newest version of flash nor does PortableApps.com give any warranty to this even working.`nBy Clicking Yes, You understand the previous aggreements and any under the GPL Lv3.`nBy Clicking Yes, you agree to be bound by the license agreement in the GPL LV3`n A cpy of the license is included.`nClick NO if you do not agree to the stipulations set forth by GPL LV3`nMore answers are available in the Readme.txt included in the folder. IfMsgBox, Yes { return } Else IfMsgBox, No { Goto, turnoff } return turnoff: exitapp return CheckIt: MsgBox, 4,, Okay, we've got your folder, but, just to make sure, does %FireFoxPortable% seem right? IfMsgBox, No { FileSelectFolder, FireFoxPortable goto, CheckIt return } Else IfMsgBox, Yes { return } return End: MsgBox, 4,,You now should have succesfully installed Adobe Flash to FireFox Portable`nWould You like this program to start FireFox Portable For you, so you can check the proper installation?`nPress Yes to Start FireFox, No to exit IfMsgBox, Yes { Run, %FireFoxPortable%/FireFoxPortable.exe return } Else IfMsgBox, No { ExitApp } return
This is coded in AutoHotKey, available here
Install AutoHotKey, copy out the script and save it as whateveryouwant.ahk.
You will also need to download the command line version of 7-Zip and extract the files along side the script.
For Tim (Our resident Flash expert who really hates flash and at one point called it flush :D)
What is the state of things so far?
Working- alpha/beta.
What testing have YOU already done?
Made sure everything downloads. Installs on my version of Mozilla FireFox 3.0
Is the app currently working [for you]?
Are Files/folders left behind?, If so, where? How did you check?
Only the ones you download to use, plus flashplayer.zip, which you download by using the script
Are Registry Settings left behind? If so, where? How did you check?
Should, I didn't use them for creating the app. None, Took a quick look through HKCU/Software to check, with Pluto.
Did you test as Admin/Limited user?
No, but, it should matter.
OS's you tested on ...
If your Launcher is based on an existing one, which one?
No- I coded this from scratch
Known problems you want tested for?
Just to make sure everything works.
I am very aware that this is a sleeping giant. That's why its in the script form.
I would provide a standalone exe, ect. but for that. Note that if you don't have the plugins folder (run FireFox once to get it) the script won't actually copy the files anywhere, but, it will say it has.
Let's test and make sure it works our selves before we provide it for the slobbering masses.
I still think the "new, improved, simplest" version is still the best way to go
But have at it
I liked seeing your code, I couldn't write it but I think I understood it
Bye the way, I think you should take my "quoted" stuff out of the "code" boxing, it just doesn't look right.
Good Luck,
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
Yeah, its alot of work, but, this is testing. I could provide it exe form, all that, but, then I have those issues of its an app, where's the support, etc. I want the sleeping beast to lie a little longer before I take him out of his cage.
Cool. I like AHK- seems easy to follow to me.
I wanted to keep the post short. But sure, I'll take the stuff out.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
It is nice, but seems to have problems in WINE. I'll check some stuff. I will help you code it and add stuff like an progress bar while downloading. I at least know some AutoHotKey
The gui could be a heck of alot better, but I'm weak in the GUI area.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
On Windows XP it works fine, and no problem, I'll make my best to help.
(btw, I am weak too, but I can do some nice progress bars and Message Boxes)
Ok, I have a new one on the forge. I would like to talk to you, Oliver, before posting this online, because, for example, of the license of this (maybe GPLv3), and the future way to go with. Also, it still misses some code retouch so it can be made into 1 executable. When it is done, and all stuff set up I'll upload it on my site.
So, Oliver, when you have time send me an e-mail trough here.
For Tim:
What is the state of things so far?
Development Test / alpha-beta.
What testing have YOU already done?
Made sure everything installs, gets deleted, and correctly works, making sure that the usability is good. It does install on every case, does not work on FF 1.5 or 2, but works on 3
Is the app currently working [for you]?
Are Files/folders left behind?, If so, where? How did you check?
No, if the app is not forced to stop by task manager, then everything should work fine. All files are downloaded to the app folder and then deleted (even though I want to change to TEMP)
Are Registry Settings left behind? If so, where? How did you check?
As the registry is not used on this script, no registry key should be left.
Did you test as Admin/Limited user?
No, but it shouldn't matter.
OS's you tested on ...
Windows XP and WINE, but I'll test on Windows Vista, Windows 2000, and maybe Windows 98.
If your Launcher is based on an existing one, which one?
Based on OliverK's one, but highly modified.
Known problems you want tested for?
Just to make sure everything works.
On WINE there is a bug where the final buttons labels are not replaced with the correct info, only thing, minor bug, and with some fixes, people should not notice.
Email sent
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world