Some kind of virus is blocking my access to Firefox Portable on my Xp Pro laptop I made it the main Web browser and I did the regular thing of downloading the recent windows updates from the official site then I uninstalled the IE components now it wont allow me to run Firefox web browser when it automatically close's the browser it prompt's a message saying (Use Internet Explorer you dope) then reads (I don't hate Mozilla but use IE or else...) I've got a screen capture if you would like to see what i'm talking about.
I'd really like to see that.
Alive and kicking!
"If you were a robot, and I knew but you didn't, would you want me to tell you?"
I'm quite new screen capturing so I don't know how to upload the .swf file so it can be seen but I converted it into .pdf but I still don't know how to make it public.
and don't you forget it.
Upload the picture to a place like photobucket and take the url.
See here:
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!