In order to be able to use CommandPromptPortable for launching command prompts from within portable 3rd-party Explorer replacements (like FreeCommander) directly into the current working directory, I was slightly changing the CommandPromptPortable launcher source (CommandPromptPortable.nsi). It reads the target directory as parameter now, e.g. running
P:\PortableApps\CommandPromptPortable>CommandPromptPortable.exe X:\foo\bar
would result in X:\foo\bar being the current directory of the command prompt being launched, like
Here's what I changed:
62d61 IfFileExists "$EXEDIR\Data\Batch\commandprompt.bat" "" LaunchNow 121,132d119
You seem to know what you're doing and I couldn't figure out a way to send you a "private message". Could you please have a look at and give me any suggestions you might have.
scribble scribble twirly bit scribble
I used a modified version of this in the 2.0 release after adding in code to strip double quotes. It works well on Win2K and up.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!