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Exclude a folder doesn't work with Synchronisation Miror (update)

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Last seen: 16 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2008-07-04 18:01
Exclude a folder doesn't work with Synchronisation Miror (update)

Hello, I want to make a "Synchronisation Miror Update" with exclude a folder, for example, for my folder source:
!!!Achat - 2008 0618 - Bridge retourné
in C:\Mes documents

I want to exclude this folder for not to update it on the destination folder. I put:
!!!Achat - 2008 0618 - Bridge retourné

in the exclude field, but that do not work, this folder is update in the destination folder. I try other solutions, to write in the exclude field:

!!!Achat - 2008 0618 - Bridge retourné
c:\Mes documents\!!!Achat - 2008 0618 - Bridge retourné
c:\\Mes documents\!!!Achat - 2008 0618 - Bridge retourné

always the same resultat. A problem with characters !é- peharps?

Can you test it ? (and sorry for my "French English"!)

Steve Lamerton
Steve Lamerton's picture
Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2005-12-10 15:22

French is very good Smile This should be sorted in the next version of Toucan which will be released very soon (i.e. it has been sent to the person that runs this site).

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