I've used Portable Firefox here and there in the past but only started using it heavily recently. I'm running it from a portable 2.5" USB laptop drive on Windows XP.
Lately, Firefox has been crashing unexpectedly. Sometimes the crash reporter will appear (and sometimes will have issues sending the report). Others, FF just disappears. Sometimes I can reopen it, other times I get the following error:
NSIS Error
Installer integrity check has failed. Common causes include incomplete download and damaged media. Contact the installer's author to obtain a new copy.
More information at:
Sometimes opening FF again will work fine, sometimes I'll get this error a few times before it works.
Any thoughts? The drive seems fine..
-check md5 sum so you know you have an uncorrupted download
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
In addition to the PortableApps file I have a JSFW.exe file (security) that seems to work perfectly.
I've deleted the StartPortableApps.exe file and downloaded the PortableApps.com_Suite_Setup_1.1.exe file BUT when I run this file to begin setup it *still* shows the NSIS error.
Simeon - can you explicitly lay out the details of what I need to do with the key...? What is a "md5 sum"? Do I need to uninstall the setup file and the JSFW file again? I assumed that I simply needed to download the setup file and start the exe setup file to begin setup. Am I missing another file that these programs need in order to run? I assume that I only need this one Suite Setup file but I'm completely tech un-savvy... apparently.
Any helps is SO appreciated... I've been struggling with this issue for 2+ weeks and would really like to have access to the programs on the key.
The NSIS error indicates that the download was corrupted (it means that the download probably had an error and wrote wrong things to the file). What happens is that the built in checker detects these errors and prevents you from installing things that shouldn't be installed.
To un-install the app, all you need is to delete its folder. Easy, huh?
The re-download the installer, make sure you use a download manager, as big files tend to have more probabilities of getting errors, and download managers usually prevent those.
Then install as usual, if you still have problems then I advice you to seek further help on a thread started by you, as this seems to me that it is a slightly different error than the one the author of this topic spoke of.
Hope to have helped, and welcome to PortableApps!
EDIT: By the way, I am not understanding what you mean with the JSFW.exe file you are speaking of, did it come with the suite, or did you place it inside the suite for further protection? I have never heard of that file to come bundled with the suite.
Wow, thanks so much for the fast response!
The JFSW.exe file was on the key when I bought it and is a program that encripts the files saved under it for security... it's a Transcend 2GB JetFlash that I'm using and it already came loaded with a StartPortableApps.exe file as well; all I had to do was "plug and play". However, at some time during my travels through Asia over the past couple of weeks something happened - I'm thinking that I must have removed the key when I hadn't shut the program(s) down properly (or one of the "public" computers I have used has somehow corrupted the file). As a result I lost all of the folders containing my documents. I managed to get access to the files again a few internet cafes later, when I discovered that the files were hidden somehow - I assume they were hidden by the JSFW.exe security program. Anyway, today I copied all of my files (including the encripted ones) onto the unsecured portion of the key so that I can access them (I am, however, unable to open the encripted files). Now the key is simply acting as a storage device, but I really would like to be able to use the full functionality of the suite.
So... that's when I deleted the StartPortableApps.exe file, reinstalled, tried to run and... got the same error.
I'm now downloading a "Download Manager" to this computer at an internet cafe in order to re-download the suite as you suggest and try the whole thing over again.