MediaMonkey is an all in one music ripper converter and organizer. Visit for more detail.
I know this is not open source but haven't been able to find a similar open source version. If someone could find an open source that would work I would gladly work with someone to do this.
I have been lurking here for a while and understand the basics of converting to portable and would really like to learn more thanks.
there is a open source alternative and there is someone who is currently working on this but at last check he had hit a blocker bug
in the meanwhile you could try a combo of a few of the apps we have on offer
CoolPlayer+: for playing audio
BonkEnc: for ripping
though you will have to manage your own libary for now fingers crossed that songbird portable will be finished soon
Thanks for the info on Song Bird. Pulled it up and it looks really good. Hope to see that portable version soon.