I was downloading the Portable Apps Lite and the Full version and my school Trend OfficeScan triggered a virus alert with the Virus/Malware PAK.Generic.01 and blocked the download of these files.
Why is this happening with Trend OfficeScan and not other scanners?
I'm worried that Trend is going to detect another virus in the apps installed on my USB drive.
Any suggestions to doing a scan without Trend sending alert messages to my boss to insure that this 'PAK.Generic.001' is not going to trigger?
as for testing if it will flag a virus it will the trend dection engine is know to flag this maybe a suggestion to your boss/company tech support about upgrading to better AV
summary: this happens because (see referenced post) and you dont need to test if it will flag as a virus because it will
false positives are common due to the methods used to compress the apps executables if you really want to test it I would recommend http://www.virustotal.com/
uses many virus tools and trend is amoung them and it does flag PAF as virus