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Temp/pref files and portable apps on Linux

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Temp/pref files and portable apps on Linux

1) Does the concept of portable apps exist for Linux in the same way as for Windows? i.e. install once to a folder on host X & then copy that folder however/wherever you like & run on any host Y, Z etc with no install needed on Y, Z etc.?

2) Other than Open Office, do any other portable apps leave traces on the host machine for the app themselves (as opposed to Windows generating logs for, say, http traffic for example)? Would it be possible for the devs to get all Portable Apps to store all temp/prefs etc. files in the same folder & drive as that from which a portable app is run so we can be sure no traces are left on host machines? If not, is it at least possible to maintain a list of which apps store such files on the host machine?

digitxp's picture
Last seen: 13 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2007-11-03 18:33
Yes it does exist. Linux is
  1. Yes it does exist. Linux is considered easier to do because there are no reg entries, and most apps store the settings in HOME.
  2. Yes, InfraRecorder does make temp files but they are automatically deleted on closing (built into IR). However, we (they) do not intend to do what you described (except for the prefs part because that's the whole meaning of portable apps ;)). For one thing there is no point (why not just delete it?) another is that it takes up writes to the flash drive (actually most of the apps let it write and then copies it over). A list is possible but usually user specific for most of them (which is why they are temporary).
    Lol, nice username :P.

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