After finding out that my Drupal install got corrupted (it is a small thing with autocomplete, searched the web, but found nothing, seems to be a mysql tables mess) I have decided that I will move away from a Drupal only install. (that doesn't mean that I will move now )
I will get a blogging platform and maybe a forum platform and keep Drupal for the site itself.
Oh, and I'd like to make the site accessible, this means clean markup, clean urls, and sitemap.xml for uploading to search engines.
Do you have any advice?
(By the way, I am allergic to phpBB forums )
Drupal gets corrupted easily on bad SQL servers (that's why I'm planning on ). One way not to use SQL is DotNetNuke but that requires ASP.NET which is rather rare :(.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
Luckily it was not a big corruption (the autocomplete url settings leads to a part of code of an old block on the sidebar
so it gives error every single time I press a keyboard key on an autocomplete field, but drupal is still working).
I do notice that the servers are better than the ones, and I think one of the problems you may have with your database is the daily CPU charge allowed, it may be overpassing its limits (mainly if someone is logged in all of the time).
My plan is to use a not so abusive use for Drupal is to use it to display static pages only, then I plan to have my blogging system and my forums system.
I am thinking of Wordpress for the blog (previous system was blogger, but I want more customization).
I have no idea for forums but from what I have seen in this wikipedia article and
I am thinking maybe of NextBBS or vBulletinI have no idea at the moment. If it is necessary maybe I'll use phpBB3 (but I am alregic as I already said, to phpBB. It is ugly and not user friendly, try to see on phpBB forum from lynx, links, elinks, or any other command line browser).Also, here is the tricky part, I want to have a consistent look inside everything. This means similar headings, similar themes, similar everything. So I would like to know of some php tuts that are easy to follow and some theming tuts for the platforms I choose.
Long days of googling come close...
Off-topicing my own hread: digitxp, I have your logo in vector, it is not exactly the same, but it is pretty close. Your e-mail url is not working (leads to 404 page). When can I email it to you and to which address?
EDIT: I found a very interesting page here (doesn't work minimally with IE6/7/8 and glitchy in Firefox 2 or lower).
The guy uses HTML5 with CSS3 and some PHP code inside. He uses SQLite for database, does it sound familiar? Go to your Firefox 3 profile folder. Thats right! Firefox (and that site) use a database, but in a lightweight mode that stores data on files! Yes, files! So there is no problem with MySQL not being responsive.
There are some blogging platforms that support SQLite (I doubt there are forum platforms that support it). It has its limitations, but I think it is a good idea.
Some blogging platforms are MovableType and Habari. Both support SQLite. What do you think?
you're gonna use Drupal for static pages, use CMSMS instead because that's what it's designed for.
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I'll try those things on a subpage on my server for awhile (maybe /test or /dev). When I am sure that it is ok to move, then I will do it defenitivelly (but keep the /test or /dev for new features testing).
EDIT: Found a lightweight forum software called Simple Machines Forum. I am still a little dubious about its quality, but lets see how it turns out...
Yet another EDIT: CMSMS is now installed in my site at
that cName subdomain?!
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
on your cpanel, go to subdomains. Create a subdomain. it will link to your.domain/your-subdomain
So if I created a it means it links to folder.
it is on the cpanel, together with a lot of other bunch of stuff.
u should check out this....
It looks interesting, I'm thinking about trying it just to see what it is like, I even think there is a demo you can try through there website.
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
Mahatma Gandhi,
Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)
For what I see, their Admin area is much better that CMSMS in my opinion. I am having a hard time setting up subfolders with their own index.php. When I go to the folder, it goes to the main index.php whatever I do.
When I have time I'll try it.