I am using a polish OpenOffice on my usb-stick for some time now.
I downloaded the english Portable version 2.4.0 and manually switch it to polish.
Last time I found on the official Homepage a polish Portable-Installer-EXE !
I didn't know that a official Installer file exist because this page don't offer it!
And i think many users don't know this version! Please add this to the side:
just put the official link to the polish OpenOffice Portable 2.4.0 PL :
Polish | Polski
Cause this is not a version of portableapps.com!
All the other versions seams to be unsupported and (for the mozilla stuff) illegal versions of a developer named grzegorzjzd.
We will offer languagepacks for the future versions of OpenOffice.org Portable, but we will not link or support packages outside portableapps.com. You can use it at Your own risc.
BTW 2.4.0 is outdated ... don't use it.
Paid for Software more or less?
What You need is OSS!
of that project should get an email from John...
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate