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Tell me which 10 Object-Oriented Programming Languages are the most popular and used around the world ?

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Amit G
Last seen: 15 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2007-07-30 10:22
Tell me which 10 Object-Oriented Programming Languages are the most popular and used around the world ?

Tell me which 10 Object-Oriented Programming Languages are the most popular and used around the world and will land me up in a good job and also make programming worthwhile and fun.I have knowledge of C# and pretty soon I am going to learn Java so are they in the list-I know Java is,what about C#.Also which 10 programming languages(in general) are most popular in the world and most used.can you also name me some programming languages that are not at all popular and do not carry weight and are not used much by developers in a way a complete failure almost about to be dropped off from the list of programming languages? And yes finally why isn't there a standard programming language incorporating the best of features from all programming languages so that one does not encounter different syntax's and semantics and can learn once and use it freely anytime without getting confused with all those languages and technologies out there.

Last seen: 14 years 1 week ago
Joined: 2006-12-12 12:00
Definitely the most popular

Definitely the most popular ones are:
-Visual Basic

Perl is popular popular too, but most people don't use it in object oriented way. Wink
I guess that Objective C, Rubly, Smalltalk, TCL may be on the list too.
Maybe D?

The reason for differences between languages are differences in design goals.
Language should:
-be hard to make bugs in
-be easy to debug
-be fast to type in (low total number of characters you have to type, using characters that are close on the keyboard like "/*", using characters that require shift rarely)
-let programmers write well optimized code
-let compilers / interpreters generate well optimized code / interpret it fast
-give programmers high system abstraction
-easy to learn both for newbies and experienced programmers
-I probably missed some

You can't get everything and different languages put different stress at the above points. Also, there's progress, often newer languages are better in most points (C and C++).

"Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." Asimov

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