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Desktop Media (Complements Rocketdock Portable)

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Last seen: 16 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2008-08-18 21:49
Desktop Media (Complements Rocketdock Portable)

Im using Rocketdock Portable on a PC without admin rights and i was hoping to find a portable solution for Desktop Media as well. Pop in your usb and its icon appears on your desktop. When you eject the usb, it disappears.

Desktop Media (similar to Desk Drive but lighter)

Freeware (Probably OpenSource even)


Desktop Media is a small application for Windows (any flavor) that automatically adds drive icons to your desktop (and automatically removes them when they are ejected). It will detect USB drives, fixed drives (ie. your hard drives), CD/DVD drives, network drives, and even RAM disk drives. For removable media (such as USB drives and CD/DVD drives), it will only add the drive to your desktop if it is present. So if you have a CD/DVD drive, but no disc is present, you won't see the icon on your desktop.


(5 registry entries found under HKLM\MyEx) I dont know what those terms mean so i cant list them down.

dbau's picture
Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-04 06:52
This will only work when the

This will only work when the program is already installed on the computer before you plug the USB drive in. It will detect when a drive has been plugged in and react accordingly so it has to be already running on the host computer.

David Dixon II
David Dixon II's picture
Last seen: 3 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2007-06-11 22:54
DeskLinkz Portable

I created a portable app that will add a shortcut to your portable device. Smile DeskLinkz Portable. Search It.

Na na na, come on!

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