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Problems with staying logged in to forums

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Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2006-05-10 16:03
Problems with staying logged in to forums

Hi All,

Recently, I'm having problems logging into and staying logged in to forums.

It started with the mozillazine forum which I could not see the "confirmation code" in FFP3.0.1 and only sometimes in IE7.

After installing the flash player correctly it seemed to work, but only once.

Now I'm having similar problems with other forums;
- hydrogenaudio forum it struggled to log in.
- freecommander forum does not stay logged in.
- mozillazine forum cannot log in.

I'm using sxipper addon, but have been using it successfully for a while. I've also disabled most of my other addons that I'm using.

Any ideas?

I was thinking of deleting FFP completely, re-installing it adding the plugins and then trying again without any plugins. Partly to try and fix the problem but also to see if this will improve my performance. (Some of my portable apps have seemed to become slower and slower.)
