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Create Separate Profiles in Google Chrome

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Create Separate Profiles in Google Chrome

Create Separate Profiles in Google Chrome for Family Members and Stay Extra Safe

How to Create Profiles in Google Chrome Browser

Unlike Firefox that ships with a Profile Manager, the only way to create multiple profiles in Google Chrome browser is manually. Here’s how:

Step 1: Load Chrome and choose "Clear Browsing History" from the Tools menu. This will clear all your private data.

Step 2. Open your Google Chrome installation folder that is available at:

For Windows Vista - C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome
For Windows XP - C:\Documents and Settings\\Local
Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome

chrome-profile Step 3: Open Windows Explorer and switch to the "User Data" folder available inside Chrome installation folder.

Then select the subfolder caleld "default" and make a copy of it in the "User Data" folder itself. Give that copy a name, say, Your_Name.

Step 4 (Optional): We will now initialize this new "Your_Name" profile to the factory default settings.

Open "Command Prompt", switch to the Chrome Application folder and run the following command:

chrome.exe --user-data-dir="..\User Data\Your_Name" -first-run

Step 5: So our new user profile is ready. To run Google Chrome using this profile instead of the default profile, just create a shortcut on your desktop, Quick launch bar or your Windows Start Menu.

Right click anywhere on the desktop, choose New -> Shortcut and type the following for location:

For Windows Vista: C:\Users\Aryaman\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe –user-data-dir="..\User Data\Your_Name"

For Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\User\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe –user-data-dir="..\User Data\Your_Name"

chrome-icons Give this shortcut a "hard to guess" name, change the icon to use that of, say, Microsoft Word and you’re done.

Now none of your visits to those "adult sites" would be known to anyone else in the family. And no need for you switch to that incognito browsing mode.

Last seen: 2 hours 20 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
and google?

>visits to those "adult sites" would be known to anyone else in the family.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

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