Okay, I don't really want to post this in the forums, but I figure I cn blog it here.
I am currently working on ATPad; VTi; Generator; and xVideoServiceThief
Actually, xVideoServiceTheif is done, I just haven't posted it yet. I talked to John about it, and he wasn't to enthused about the name. Also, its stuck in ALPHA. It works greet and all, but I think John would like for it to go into beta. Anyway, if you wants it, you can add a comment to the blog saying so, or just saying that the blog sucks, either way-it'd be nice to know someone's reading.
ATPad is "done". I just have to test the code I added to handle language switching.
Generator is at Beta 2- in it I fixed some stupid errors. Beta 3 is sitting on my flash drive as well, with an annoying bug I have to fix. At that point, I can post it.
VTi. Ahh, VTi. I've been trying to get a stupid linking program for a calculator for awhile now. I finally found one, but, horror of horrors, it uses HKLM. Now, this isn't a problem for me as I usually have administrator rights. But some don't, so I'm in the process of trying to compile it to use the HKCU branch of the registry. BTW, if anybody knows how I can get ahold of a legal copy of C++ Builder 3, I'd owe you one.
BONUS: Timer. Its done, I just have to PAF'y it and put it up. This could be done within the week.
But! I'll post the source code for it- how bout that? You need a timer, here's a good one.
#SingleInstance, Force IfExist, %A_WorkingDir%\settings.ini IniRead, Save, %A_WorkingDir%\settings.ini, WindowSave, Save If Save=true Goto GuiSetup Else { Goto DefualtSettings } return GuiSetup: IniRead, XPost, settings.ini, WindowPosition, X_Postion IniRead, YPost, settings.ini, WindowPosition, Y_Postion Goto GuiShow return DefualtSettings: XPost=86 YPost=86 Goto GuiShow Save=false return GuiShow: Gui, Add, Button, x16 y10 w100 h70 , Start Gui, Add, Button, x16 y10 w100 h70 , Start Gui, Add, Button, x16 y100 w100 h70 , Stop Gui, Add, Text, x16 y180 w100 h50 , Hotkeys:`nWin+S to start`nWin+F to stop Gui, Add, Button, x16 y240 w100 h20 , Help|About Gui, Add, Button, x16 y270 w100 h20 , Save Time ; Generated using SmartGUI Creator 4.0 Gui, Show, x%XPost% y%YPost% h298 w132, Timer return GuiClose: If Save=true { WinGetPos, XPost, YPost IniWrite, %XPost%, %A_WorkingDir%\settings.ini, WindowPosition, X_Postion IniWrite, %YPost%, %A_WorkingDir%\settings.ini, WindowPosition, Y_Postion ExitApp } Else ExitApp return #S:: Goto FirstTime #F:: Goto FinishTime #T:: Goto Appendtime Return ButtonStart: FirstTime: { First=%A_NowUTC% } return FinishTime: ButtonStop: { Second=%A_NowUTC% TotalTime:=Second-First TrayTip, Timer, %TotalTime%, 30, 1 } return AppendTime: ButtonSaveTime: { Fileappend, [%First%]:%TotalTime% ,timer.txt } return ButtonHelp|About: Gui, 2:Add, Button, x16 y260 w400 h40 , License Gui, 2:Add, Button, x226 y220 w190 h30 , Disable Postion Saving Gui, 2:Add, Button, x16 y220 w190 h30 , Enable Postion Saving Gui, 2:Add, Button, x16 y310 w400 h30 , Visit Website Gui, 2:Add, Text, x16 y10 w400 h200 , Timer was written one night when I need a timer and I didn't have a stop watch. Originally, it was about 15 lines of code. Now, its extended to 112 lines of AHK code (some eneter for readability and still growing.)`nPosition save is enabled by defualt. If you don't want to have Timer save its position every time, you can manually set settings.ini to look like the following: `n[WindowSaving] `nsave=false `nOr, you can click on the nice little buttons below. `nYou can use both the buttons and hotkeys to start and stop the timer. `nPress Win+S to start the timer and Win+F to stop the timer. `nSave time will make timer append the file times.txt with your value. Win+T will also create the entry. If timer.txt doesn't exist, Timer will create it. `nTimer is an OpenSource Project, so, you can view is illustrious source if you wish. The source is included in the file that you downloaded. ; Generated using SmartGUI Creator 4.0 Gui, 2:Show, x131 y91 h377 w440, About Timer Return 2ButtonVisitWebsite: run, http://www.simplexitynetwork.com/mr.soup12/portableapps/timer return 2ButtonLicense: run, license.txt return 2ButtonDisablePostionSaving: Save=false Iniwrite, %save%, %A_WorkingDir%\settings.ini, WindowSave, Save msgbox, Posistion Saving Disabled! return 2ButtonEnablePostionSaving: Save=true Iniwrite, %save%, %A_WorkingDir%\settings.ini, WindowSave, Save msgbox, Posistion Saving Enabled! return Gui2Close: return
Save it as whatever you want .ahk and run. This is an autohotkey program.
You will also have to create a settings.ini with the following contents:
[WindowPosition] X_Postion=457 Y_Postion=384 [WindowSave] Save=true
Enjoy! BTW- This is a GPL L2 app, but I'd appreciate it if you didn't post it in the forums, as I can do that fairly quickly. And press the Help|About button if you want to know more.
Oh! I almost forgot- I got together a new Dev Test of FakeNES. I'm gonna play with the code a bit more, and then, I'll post that.
- OliverK's blog
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Someone reads your blog!
WHOOT yeah! and . . . . even
WHOOT yeah!
and . . . . even better . . . .
Somebody commented!
you could rename xVideoServiceThief to xVST. this is in fact how the author refers to this app.
do you think John would go for xVST?
thank you for working on making xVST portable.
-- david
what is Generator?