Application: Nexuiz
Category: Games
Description: Nexuiz has been in development for close to 5 years by a team of amateur developers lead by Lee Vermeulen. It is a 3d deathmatch game made entirely over the internet. The purpose of the game is to bring deathmatch back to the basics, with perfect weapon balancing and fast paced action, keeping itself away from the current trend of realistic shooters. It uses HFX textures by Evil Lair, and currently has 27 maps to frag in. With an advanced UI, the user can select between 15 different player models to use, with an average of two skins for each, and can connect to our master server to play people from all over the world.
Download Nexuiz Portable 2.4.2 Development Test 1 [472 MB download / 505 MB installed]
Release Notes:
Development Test 1 (2008-09-26):
- Initial release
This release includes Nexuiz including the 'Map Pack R2'. This Map Pack was included because the vanilla Nexuiz game only has 1 map delivered with it and you need the maps to decently play the game.
Time to Test it
WTG on the game
Sweet !!!! :o) Advocate
Not working for me
Get the error ecountered problem Advocate
Hmm, I also run XP fully updated (Incl SP3)
to have a md5sum. Mine is 7ba4be4fd8ed28e7471324121f50bdfd
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
I have thought long and hard about that one, but because if theres a problem with the installer the internal CRC check of NSIS would have warned users and the installer then doesn't continue the install. I assumed this would give enough indication that the installer would be corrupt, although it would not 'protect' against a re-compiled version where the MD5 would be useful. Unless of course the portable installer has the internal checksum disabled... That's why I havent posted the MD5 Hash.
Heres the basic Error message - Hope this is more helpful to you then it was to me:
AppName: nexuiz.exe AppVer: ModName: atioglxx.dll
ModVer: Offset: 002c443f Advocate
REGshot result after error
[Pre tags added by mod SL] Advocate
Will try and redownload the installer and will edit this post if it works, but i just get the JIT debugger trying to load up and then the system kinda dies. so i close the debugger an it takes the game with it?
So I don't get anything, but like I said, it may be the installer not downloadin right? it did install ok though?
err is human, to moo is bovine.
I don't think this old installer would be compatile with the newest version of the game. If one of the gurus want to weigh in with the yes or no I can link to a up to date version that i PAC'ed. It's not a modified vesion just created a shortcut EXE using PAC so as to only have the one EXE show up in the menu. Advocate
Yay! An update! But silently...
Can you elaborate? Advocate
What do you mean exactly??
It would seem he is not sure what silent update you are referring to.
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
I've downloaded 2.4.1 about 2 weeks ago. Today I checked back and saw that it is 2.4.2. That's what I meant.
Are you working on the 2.5? Would be interested in that one. Like others, I think...
I don't believe Logan has been active on the development scene for a little while now. I think he is either waiting for the pre-release of Virtual Volumes View to move or simply is preoccupied. If you like Nexuiz is natively portable. However it has multiple EXEs. A workaround or this is:
If this is difficult to understand I can upload my copy which I've created using the instructions above. It should be perfectly legal as the game files contain the sources for itself. However this is only a temporary measure until a dev can come along and build a proper PAFfed version.
Let me know if you want it. Advocate
...I tried it twice, but it didn't work...
I don't have any problems to understand, what you wrote. It's just sometimes I'm missing a word in my vocabulary.
So if you say that Nexuiz is natively portable, I suggest that only the launcher is needed or is it possible to just dump the files from the ZIP into the folder tha game is stored?
If not, I would be very happy, if you could upload it! Even if it's not official.
I've only included the launcher as if you already have downloaded Nexuiz it'll save you downloading the whole thing again. Plus it makes it possible to reuse thi PAC launcher until some one comes along to make us an official one (Come on guys you know this game is mad).
Launcher Download:
Nexuiz Download:
Hope you like = )
PS. Thanks bud as doing this caused me to visit the website and find the 2.5.1 update = )
Enjoy Advocate
Downloaded it yesterday and tested it today. Everything runs fine! 2.5.1 is a bit laggy on my EeePC, but it's just a thing of setting it up. I think, I will be online for a while in the next days! See you!
toning down the settings obviously, but also try the nexuiz-sdl.exe file instead of nexuiz.exe It tends to work better with newer hardware.
I'm currently working on making the game fit the PA format in version 2.5.1 (the latest available release) and so far have shrunk down the file size down to 605mb installed, whereas the normal install is upwards of 723MB
There is a little bit of shrinking I could do with data20090403.pk3, but upon initial I'd rather not risk anything. So far everything's going well and I will hopefully have everything up soon! I'll add a link either to a torrent for it, or a direct link w/ md5 here soon!
I didn't relise that nexuiz was 600mb or so, I'm fine with that, just such a suprise!
Torrent can be downloaded here:
it's a 572MB download, so you'll have to be patient, especially with my slow upload, but it should be worth it. It's not in the portableapps installer format because I didn't want to take the time to do the html file to go with it XD. That said, everything's there and it may or may not be the latest PA launcher format (not sure). Everything works though. It's just waiting for an official dev to pick up and finish up for us! Please read description below (also on mininova web page)
This is the portable version of the intense 1st person shooter game by Alientrap. It is based off of the latest release and has been stripped of the linux and MAC OS files to alleviate some of the strain with size (shaved off about 106MB installed). The game for the most part is already portable, but in this case I went ahead and made it in the more user-friendly layout, so it can be used with that menu or any other without having all of the nasty extra icons. I removed the nexuiz.exe and instead kept the nexuiz-sdl.exe to help with the size, and also the sdl version works much better with newer hardware.
As stated in the description in the torrent file, it is compatible with the new map pack. (I would have added it, but it was pretty large in file size after install (~109MB))
Server Files
Game Files
Linux Game files
Mac OS Game files
Nexuiz.exe (uses nexuiz-sdl.exe)
Map Creator/Editor
Let me know how everything goes with this! I've tested it on 2 computers running Win XP SP3. I'm using a 200x Patriot Exporter 16GB and it seems to be working well. Best of luck!
if anyone has been getting frustrated trying to connect to an unreachable peer. If you have, please try again. I just got all of those things fixed, so downloads go through smoothly now! Thanks!
Aug 4, 2009
Had some storms today, so I was down for a few hours, but I'm back up and seeding. Sorry for any inconvenience.
More severe weather scheduled for tomorrow morning. Unfortunately I'll have to go down during that time, but I'll be back up as soon as I can! Thanks for your patience!
Are you still actively working on this/do you plan to do so?
If not, I would be interested in taking this over if that is fine with you.
Behold, the DutchLander has arrived.
Grammatical errors are copyrighted.
The new version is 2.5.2
Simplifying daily life through technology