Okay I know please here me out before you groan. Okay my thought is a lot of time when we're doing support it's convienient to send emails especially when helping people with NSIS. The problem with this though is most of us don't want to give our email's out lightly. So on IRC I talked with Ryan and he can give devs and gurus a blah@pa-support.cubegames.net email address that you could give out freely in IRC without getting personal. The other option is registering a .co.cc account for free and using google apps for a mail server (also free) so your email would look more like @support-portableapps.co.cc. Any other ideas? Personally I'm leaning more to the .co.cc account because through google and has a nice web interface while your traveling. Also I would like John's permission to do either since it uses PortableApps in the name.
Okay I gotta give credit to alpah1 for his idea about creating a .co.cc for email. (Although he didn't think of it for PAc :P)
I'd go for either
the co.cc domain does take a bit of work so might not be the best idea.
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