why portableapps.com suite has old version applications, and how can I update all applications simultaneously?
sorry for my english.
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Could you be more specific as to what apps you mean?
The "suites" are not updated very often.
Usually you update the individual programs as they are released at this site.
It would not be practical to update the suites each time an app in the suite is updated.
There is work on an app which will check for updates for you but it is still in the testing phase.
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in portableapps.com old are apps:
-firefox 2.0.4 (the new version is 3.0.2)
-thunderbird (the new version is
-sunbrid 0.8 (the new version is 2.0.9)
-clamwin 0.93 (the new version is 0.94)
i'd like have new version all apps:(
If you don't want to wait till the next suite release, which of course you don't, you will need to update the individual apps manually by downloading them from this site and installing over your current apps.
If you don't mind the risks of using beta software you chould check this post:
PortableApps.com Updater 1.0 Beta 1
for an app that deals with updating all the apps you have in the suite.
Be sure to read Everything, Carefully, and make Backups if you decide to go that route.
I do not recommend beta software for those who are not comfortable with such things.
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?