Diadem of Maunstraut is the first full-length English fan game made with Sword of Moonlight: The King's Field Making Tool. It is a first person perspective action-RPG with a dark medieval setting. It is traditional to the King's Field series only in controls and certain enemies, items and equipment; the story and concepts differ as a fan made game.
The game's hero will explore a vast world to seek out: powerful weapons, durable equipment, helpful items and potent spells in order to destroy the source of evil throughout the land of Maunstraut. Many powerful evil incarnations, as well as people who may (or may not) help you along the way will be encountered in this long and perilous journey.
This game isn't open source from what I can tell. However I emailed the author and about making a portable version of this game. Below is the email I sent him and his response. I have removed the authors email address for privacy reasons. If anyone wants to take this up please refer to the website for the authors email address.
Email to author
Hi my name is (Name Removed)
I am a PortableApps user and recently discovered your game thought the website. I am writing to see if you would be interested in developing a version of DOM for the portableapps platform. Or alternatively would you give your permission for one of the PA developers to create a portable launcher for DOM. This would not alter the source in any way, it creates a wrapper for the game that makes it playable from a portable media such as a USB and stops the app (DOM in this case) from modifying the host system or adding registry keys etc.
I hope you find this idea interesting. For more info on portableapps visit or if you have any questions you would like to ask me directly please contact me via this email address.
Take Care
(Name Removed)
Response from author
Hello (Name Removed)! I think a PortableApps version of Diadem of Maunstraut sounds like a great idea. I've never heard of that before, and looked it over on the website.
I'm assuming that NSIS is used to create the wrapper? I installed the newest version myself, and I'm assuming that I'd create an installer from a .zip file, but I'm not sure what type of compression is needed or any other additional measures need to be taken...
Since you did mention an "or", I'd rather give a PA developer permission to go ahead with this, considering this is new territory for me.
It's definitely ok with me. There aren't really any questions I can think of.
Hope a PortableApps developer finds this interesting : )
We still cannot make it officially portable until it becomes Open-Source
Please search before posting. ~Thanks
I understand that at this point it cannot be offical but maybe if the game was developed far enough the original author would host it on his ste and that could lead to some sort of collaboration for an offical version? Advocate
i guess i can start on this... as soon as FOFP is cleaned up
Please search before posting. ~Thanks