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Portable Apps menu organization

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Last seen: 16 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2006-05-30 16:35
Portable Apps menu organization

I apologize if this is already in discussion...and if it is, please direct me to the string.
First off, ya'll do a fantastic job of creating things that are perfect for the mobile/non-traditional 'office' worker.

Since I have been adding all kinds of valuable applications to my Portable Apps menu, the list is getting LONG. Is there a way (or an idea for development) to categorize. I've seen and downloaded the MiniLaunch bar, but it has the potential to get congested as well.

Maybe make the Apps bar with major divisions like Office Apps, Utilities, Games, Multimedia and under those would be the apps themselves (as with Windows Explorer, where you could expand or compress the list as needed). Is this something possible?


wk's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
Joined: 2007-09-05 12:31

and PAM 1.1 doesn´t support categorising so far -> the version to come will do, but for now the easiest way is to use categorizer , OliverK has made available an uncompressed version, so you can change the icons to your needs using "reshacker", you can compress and decompress the categorizer.exe with the AppCompactor listed on the test release side on PortableApps.
For categorizing follow the instructions of the original post.
Else, you could try an unofficial, officially unsupported mod

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