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Can one edit RAW files using GIMP-Portable? (i.e. Olympus Raw Format or .orf)

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Last seen: 7 months 1 day ago
Joined: 2008-10-20 08:29
Can one edit RAW files using GIMP-Portable? (i.e. Olympus Raw Format or .orf)

Tried searching the forum, visiting the app support page, and also brought this up via chat support before posting this (special mention to MaienM for the assistance!). But up to now the .ORF file still can't even be recognized by GIMP-Portable using the workaround posted submitted by gocyclones on January 20, 2007 - 11:52am 'HowTo: Open RAW files in GIMP Portable with UFRaw plug-in'

Would appreciate solutions specific to GIMP-Portable please.
Currently I use WinXP running portableapps from a usb drive, and GIMP-Portable v2.6.1.

Thank you

Last seen: 4 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2006-04-03 21:59

Ufraw has just been upgraded for Gimp 2.6.1 and the latest DCRaw, so it may. Here is a link to supported cameras. Since you didn't list your camera, look for it on the list. Just because it isn't on the list doesn't mean it isn't supported. Go to DCRaw and check there as that list may be more up to date.

I use UFRaw and Gimp with my Nikons, but have recently found Raw Therapee and like it better. Its not open source, but can be installed on a "stick".


mgco's picture
Last seen: 7 months 1 day ago
Joined: 2008-10-20 08:29

Thanks Clair for the tip,
btw I'm using an Olympus E-series which is supported by UFRAW & dcraw.

Unfortunately I have not yet been successful in even trying to get an ORF file opened by GIMP-Portable.

Would there be a way to get to the developers of GIMP-Portable? Just wanted to know if there's any roadmap for GIMP-Portable for RAW support

Last seen: 4 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2006-04-03 21:59

UFRaw is not supported officially by the Gimp Portable developers. There doesn't seem to be an easy way to install UFRaw into Gimp Portable. UFRaw scatters files throughout Gimp when it installs in the non-portable version. Actually only couple of directories. I replicate that in the portable version.

Very few who frequent this site, and even fewer of the portable app developers, photograph using RAW mode so don't expect it added to Gimp Portable. The UFRaw developer is not a Windows person and only creates the Windows install version as a side item and provides little or no Windows support. Its best if you can figure this out yourself. I haven't installed UFRaw in the latest Gimp Portable and am not sure if I will. As I said, I have been using Raw Therapee or most of my RAW processing. I am also finding I have less need for Portable Applications.

Good luck,

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