"Lamer Works" is proud to present a new version of PNotes.
What's new:
1. Favorites (right click on note's non-client area and choose Add To Favorites (Remove From Favorites)
2. Custom fonts (fonts should be in 'fonts' directory within the program directory. Preferences --> Appearance --> Use custom fonts. Fonts are registered for private use of program and unregistered after the program exits.)
3. Sending note via e-mail as attachment. MS Outlook users - Outlook tries to treat .pnote files as simple RTF files and even changes their extension to .rtf while receiving - Wit Works Woe! Save the file as .pnote and continue to work with it.
4. Loading note from .pnote file (well, otherwise the previous feature is unusable)
5. Recycle Bin (like in Windows, if you hold left Shift and click 'Delete' the note will be destroyed permanently). Emptying/restoring can be made via Control Panel.
6. Instead of 'Show All', 'Hide All' there are now 'Show Groups', 'Hide Groups' menu items in the system tray popup menu, allow you to show/hide specified groups of notes (or show/hide all notes)
7. Autosave will now include newly created notes as well
8. Prompt to load autosaved notes after program crash will now appear only if there is at least one autosaved note
9. New scheduler type - 'Weekly'. Allows to select 1 - 7 weekdays and time. The program will alarm you each selected weekday at selected time.
10. New scheduler type - 'After'. Allows to select start date/time and amount of [years][months][weeks][days][hours][minutes][seconds]. The program will alarm you after this amount is reached
11. Added option to show Control Panel on program start
Awaiting for feedbacks.
Sincerely youth,
Chairman of "Lamer Works"
I need to email you, this it my note to self.
Glad to see the development keep coming.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
Hi Lamer,
I love the PNotes and in fact, use it almost every day. I will have to keep the old version though because I can hot key my 'show all' and 'hide all' functions. Having to drop to the system tray, open a menu, scroll down and chose the hide function seems to be a step backward for my particular use.
I use Ctl 1--new note, Ctl 2--show all, Ctl 3--hide all and Ctl 4--preferences. Those four functions satisfy almost all of my needs, and now two of those functions are more cumbersome. Its wonderful to see the program continue to grow. I'm amazed at the wonderful, innovative, and useful things you folks create for folks like me to use. I'm goofy enough to think I need the latest and greatest programs, but I really like the usefulness of the older version in this particular case.
That said, if one of the next versions included the ability to hot key those functions, it would make an old guy like me quite happy. Of course, I'm fairly happy anyway! Opening up the PAM forum each evening to see what you folks have created is like having Christmas presents most very night. Keep up the great work.
That was very well said, thanks for the encouragement.
Why is there a settable hotkey for "About"? Do people really open the About dialog that often? But yeah, removing the hotkey for Show All and Hide All was a step backward. Not sure what the thinking behind that one was...
Anyway, I just started using the new version and I don't see much of a difference between this and 4.0. the two big ones that I notice are the Recycle Bin and Favorites, but other than that...
Good work, though. Don't think I'm criticizing, because I'm not. PNotes is really a useful little program! A bit bloated in features, but the program files themselves is tiny (~700KB for the whole thing, how do you do it?), so I can't really complain!
Keep up the good work.
Raleigh, thank you for good words!
First of all I'm sorry for inconvenience - eliminating of 'Show All' - 'Hide All' has not been done deliberately. It's just a part of new popup menu structure and I think there won't be a problem to get back these items. Thank yo for drawing my attention (while we are in very first beta, and not an hour before release :))
Bruce, I'm absolutely agree with you - nobody opens 'About' more than once. I just don't want to have it "hardcoded" - everything should be as generally as possible. You are right in one more point - the program becomes bloated. Sometimes I by myself can't explain something or remember it's features. Well, I hope there will be a long pause in PNotes developing after this version
The only thing I might suggest is shrinking the tab icons in Preferences so that the tabs are a reasonable height (in other words, 16x16 icons). Right now the icons are so huge that they dominate the window and draw your attention away from the actual settings.
I agree that large icons look a bit huge, but I tried small icons (16x16) and I didn't like it. Let's compromise and make them 24x24
I intend to upload new build shortly with some fixes.
I still would have preferred 16x16 icons, but these are fine. Much less distracting!
found a bug
When you right click on the menu, then select hide, it has show all instead of hide all. But that's a tiny one
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
New build uploaded - 4.5.101
Link at the top updated.
1. 'Show All' and 'Hide All' are back to the items you can assign hot keys.
2. Fixed accidental confusion in hot keys building.
3. Changed icon size for Preferences dialog.
What a neat place to 'conspire' and create stuff! Thanks for fixing that!
Please, if anybody will find misspelling in help file - let me know
RC1 uploaded.
Fixed misspellings in help file
PAF'ed version available here.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
RC2 uploaded
RC3 uploaded
Thanks a lot to all!
I've been using stickies for a long time and I have noticed one really useful thing it has is API commands. Meaning that other apps can communicate with it. Example "api do new sticky " creates a new sticky with the provided text. Any chance this might come in 5.0?
Release Team Member
Does stickies provides messages for it? Or any public API? There are many ways to do that, although I'm not sure it's necessary. Try to persuade me
Is that Stickies the Mac sample app? I used it in Mac OS System 7 but I didn't think it was scriptable with AppleScript.
With OS X I don't use Stickies anymore. There are better products around such as Journlr and Scrivenr or DevonThink or stuff from the OmniGrouop; now if there were versions of those for Windows that could be made portable I'd have a truly portable environment.