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Compacting and Local needed!!!

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Last seen: 14 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2008-11-06 12:23
Compacting and Local needed!!!

why is it that MTP takes about 3-4 hours to compact one of my local folders that only 100 messages. it slows down my entire computer, but not when its not compacting. in other words, compacting = slow. Dont tell me i can turn off compacting bcuz thats not the point, the fact is that its not supposed to take so so sooooo long. its also frustrating bcuz you cant use it AT ALL while its compacting. if you do, it freezes up and doesnt respond. can any1 help of have any answers. Oh, and another thing, does local folders take up more space than those on, say like folders? all i know is that it allows you to access mail even when you can't connect to the mail server (and im not even sure thats right). Ok so basically i need help with 2 things: 1) the compacting issue and 2) what are local folders for (a in depth explanation for a dummy plz).

windows vista ultimate
latest MTB installed
latest portApps installed

Last seen: 18 hours 42 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48

this is somehow strange. On my XP machine here it takes something less then a minute, however at home on the old toshiba with usb 1.1 and otherwise slow, it takes sometimes few minutes.
It kind of depends on what is in the mails. But it is for all text based apps with many small files added and deleted all the time. Also news readers have this.
If you have some very big files, or something very strange in the inbox, well check that first.

Local folders:
some people think still it is possible to read something on your screen and it was not downloaded to your computer first. This is technically not possible, either it is in the cache of your browser or in some other file like the local folders in mail client.
That the local folders take more space, well not allways, but depends on what is in the mails. On the server number of compressions can take place, during the transmisstion mails are often blown up by some 30 percent if they contain big binary attachments. When stored localy, mail bodies and their headers are stored as plain text. So 1 line mail text can have some 40 lines of mail header with it. This is normal and has to be so.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 18 hours 42 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
loc folders

yes and the binary attachments are also stored in its transmission format which is abt 30 percent larger then the actual binary file (base 64 encoding)

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

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