It looks like you did not update the .nsi for the pluginsdirectory new location?
;=== Set the plugins directory if we have a path
StrCmp $PLUGINSDIRECTORY "" UserProfileEnvironment
IfFileExists "$PLUGINSDIRECTORY\*.*" "" UserProfileEnvironment
System::Call 'Kernel32::SetEnvironmentVariableA(t, t) i("MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH", "$EXEDIR\$PLUGINSDIRECTORY").r0'
Would tell me that you are only looking in $EXEDIR\$PLUGINSDIRECTORY ?
and seems it may be already set to StrCpy "$PLUGINSDIRECTORY" "$EXEDIR\Data\plugins" earlier w/o any INI file?
Moving it to your default settings Data\plugins says i need to install some I already have??
The original file had a bug. It's been fixed.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
That means we have to redownload the file 'Portable_Firefox_1.5.0.2_en-us.exe' dated 'Apr 29, 2006 01:36' on
Why is it not listed at the mainpage? Isn't it that important?
Yes, you just need to redownload it.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!