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Proxy Setting

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Last seen: 16 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2008-12-01 03:29
Proxy Setting

Hi All,

I am new to this FF Portable. I have a question regards on proxy setting.

If my PC- A , it is using "proxy configuration script" to run on the local drive and in my FF Portable, I have select it as "AUTO Select Proxy.." and it seems not working. Until I have copy the same " proxy configuration script" like my PC-A into the FF Portable , then it only able to run.

My question is, If one day, I am running on PC- B, shall I change to other mode on the network configuration itself at the FF Portable? or continue using the same "proxy configuration script" (it seems pretty weird using the PC-A script running on other machine). Is there any other method to solve this out instead using script running on other machine ?

Thank you everyone!