I would like to request 2 emulators if I may that I think many people would find useful. They seem to have been mentioned in previous threads, but it doesn't appear as though anything ever came of them. I know nothing of how to make an app portable, so I can't be of much help there as far as this request goes. I'm not sure if they are "Just Works" programs, but if they are it would be nice to have them integrate into the portable apps launcher.
1) Nestopia
License: Open Source/GPL
Description: Excellent Emulator for NES ROMS. Very stable.
Website: http://nestopia.sourceforge.net/
License: Open Source
Description: Emulator for SNES ROMS.
Website: http://www.zsnes.com/
K. Actually, we have NES emulator. FakeNES, is in the forums. I've been "working on a new version" for a while, but this one still works.
And, ZSNES has been answered! It also is in the forums.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
Jnes is my favourite NES emulator, and it seems to only leave 1 or 2 reg keys.
jnes is not open-source though tis Freeware. I prefer using Nestopia and FakeNES because they are open-source and the ZNESPortable does exist but it's an outdated launcher but I got permission from John a while back to do work on the launcher.
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
I look forward to upsing new versions when you guys complete updates
PortableApps.com Advocate
i made fceux portable just copy over the folder! it is open soruce!