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Ad-Aware Portableapp Error

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Last seen: 15 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2008-11-18 22:45
Ad-Aware Portableapp Error

Hello Everybody!!

Im not sure if this is being posted in the right forum or not. Please feel free to move it if you would like.

So basically I followed one of the forum postings and I copied all the Ad-Aware files from the program files folder to my thumb drive. Now when I open the program I get this error message:
"System error: 810 has occurred.Description: Service is not online. Application terminates"

And when I looked in the ad-aware forums they said that it is because one of the vital services for adaware is not running. (oh really? lol) However they did not post a fix or something. Is there no way to start the service from the thumb drive and then start the program?

Thanks for your help!

P.S. Am I the only one with this problem? I could not find a post in the portableapps forum...

Tim Clark
Tim Clark's picture
Last seen: 13 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-06-18 13:55
What version are you using

What version are you using ?
I don't know if the latest version can be run portably.

Could you link to information stating that the version you are trying to use can be run portably. Note if you do not do this I can give you no further assistance.

I run the Adaware SE version and it works fine, but it is old.


Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?

Last seen: 15 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2008-11-18 22:45
Hi! Ya Im using Ad-aware


Ya Im using Ad-aware 2008. So I guess my tutorial must have been for the old one.

So does your Adaware SE not get updates for its definition? If it does, where can I download it from?

Tim Clark
Tim Clark's picture
Last seen: 13 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-06-18 13:55

Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?

Last seen: 15 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2008-11-18 22:45
Ok thanks!

Ok thanks!

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