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DivFix++ Avi Fixer

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Nathan9222's picture
Last seen: 3 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2007-12-06 22:35
DivFix++ Avi Fixer

DivFix++ is complete rewrite of "DivFix" program due it's bugs and low performance. This program designed to repair broken AVI file streams by rebuilding index part of file. This is very useful when trying to preview movies which has no index part, like some files are currently downloading from ed2k or bittorent networks.
DivFix++ has supports CLI tools, this means you can fix a file to temporary location, preview with a player, than delete temporary movie file after preview automatically via script by using argument parameters...
DivFix++ program code supports lots of operating system, because it's written by cross-platform API, wxWidgets.

License: OpenSource
Download: DivFix++

Notes: This might already be portable, not sure though. If not I may put it into paf format, I am posting this just to see if anyone has made a portable version in paf format, if not then I may take this one up. Biggrin Oh yeah I did search and found a post on this, but that was over a year ago. Biggrin