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AllInOne AlarmClock Alpha Test 4 [Updated] 2/8/09

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Nathan9222's picture
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AllInOne AlarmClock Alpha Test 4 [Updated] 2/8/09

AllInOne AlarmClock is another little program that I made that I believe could benefit people. It is written in ahk and can be run from any usb or portable device as it is written for portability.

Testing Needed: I just need testing of everything that works on it so far, Tell me if there are any problems I should fix, I would also like suggestions for future features.

Features to be added: Restart, Shutdown, Standby, Hibernate,and also Custom Message Box's that will do or tell the user whatever they want themselves to be told. Also I will add the Date Under the Time on the main GUI. I will also try to add the ability for this to get time from the internet, but I would need help on this.

Request: To John, If this ever becomes in the condition to become official, would it be possible to be incorporated with PAM? So once PAM is executed then This would also be executed.

BugReporting: Now that this project has a google code page please report any bugs there. Page can be found here

Latest Screenshot: AIOA4 The current them I am using is windows classic, so under any other theme the program will look a lot better.

Download: AllInOneAlarm4


    1. Added tabs for organization and easier navigation
    2. ListView is now fixed, it now shows you the icon of the exe's selected
    3. Standby, Hibernation, shutdown, logoff, and restart have been added
    4. Minor fixes and organization of GUI changed

    Known Issues:

      1. Right now currently there is an issue where when the Beep is executed it will pause the script until it is done beeping for user defined seconds. Trying to fix this as soon as possible/ if possible.

      Build Releases:
      Build 1:
      AIOA_Revision_8.1: Download Build 1
      This release includes many fixes, and new features. Such as alarm list and Hotkeys. Both make this app easier to use. Minor bugs are in this app, but none that should interfere with your computer. Please test this out as this release shall be very similar to the final out of Beta release.
      Build 2:
      AIOA_Revision_8.3: Download Build 2

        1. Hibernation Bug Fixed
        2. Shutdown/Suspend Options now cant be set if the other one is set
        3. Alarms can now be saved, but only for future times, Daily Alarms still not implemented yet

        Build 3:
        AIOA_Revision_8.4: Download Build 3

          1. Update Computer Time Based on computers local settings added
          2. Recurring Alarms Now implemented
          3. Few changes in GUI

          KnownBugsBuild3: Even though alarms are now recurring, upon recur next day the alarm will remove itself from ListView. This should be fixed in official out of beta/alpha release in the next week or so. Hitting "Update" button on alarm after saving and closing an alarm will not retain any settings besides the time and its list number. Currently looking for a fix on this.

          horusofoz's picture
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          Happy to be the first guinea pig ;-D
          Looking forward to the PAF version but Smile

          EDIT: Here are some possible icons.

          Hope you don't mind the suggestions.


          Nathan9222's picture
          Last seen: 3 years 1 day ago
          Joined: 2007-12-06 22:35
          Build test 1 up, and thanks

          Build test 1 up, and thanks horusofoz for the icon links, I have used one for this application and its nice. Blum

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

          kai.inouye's picture
          Last seen: 12 years 9 months ago
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          Thak you. will test

          Thak you. will test

          Nathan9222's picture
          Last seen: 3 years 1 day ago
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          Thanks for testing, let me

          Thanks for testing, let me know how it goes. Wink

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

          Aciago's picture
          Last seen: 11 months 3 weeks ago
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          It doesn't work...!!!

          I understand that this is pre-Alfa...

          I gave the option to open a picture one minute later and it didn't happened... nothing happened, the clock was just there showing the time and date... Sad

          Also, if you close the App, close everything, the App only work when it is on screen or minimized... I would like the option to minimize to tray.

          BuildOne, I like the icon, but it didn't work either... Sad

          If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port,
          and the bus is interrupted as a very last resort,
          and the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort,
          then the socket packet pocket has an error to report Biggrin

          Nathan9222's picture
          Last seen: 3 years 1 day ago
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          What operating system are you

          What operating system are you using? This has been tested on 4 other XP computers of my friends and it works fine on theirs. Maybe it was an error on your part? Could you perhaps give me a link of what you did(Once you set everything) So I could try to figure out the error from there.

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

          Aciago's picture
          Last seen: 11 months 3 weeks ago
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          I used

          Windows XP and Windows Vista Home Premium... I just unzip-open-selected the file-set the time-wait...

          If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port,
          and the bus is interrupted as a very last resort,
          and the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort,
          then the socket packet pocket has an error to report Biggrin

          Aciago's picture
          Last seen: 11 months 3 weeks ago
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          Now it worked

          Ok, I did a second download and second test on AIOABuild 1, this time it worked good... Pardon

          On Windows XP (I deleted Windows Vista two days ago... forever... Blum )

          I would like an option to minimize to tray...

          If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port,
          and the bus is interrupted as a very last resort,
          and the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort,
          then the socket packet pocket has an error to report Biggrin

          Last seen: 15 years 5 months ago
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          A few notes.

          I like the idea for this app. I have a few suggestions for further development. My testing was in XP on an older HP desktop.

          • The tooltip option is good, but when I have the tooltip option checked and then I check the Tray Tip option, the tool tip box freezes on the desktop (time stops running and the box no longer follows the mouse). The frozen tooltip does not go away or restart, even if I then uncheck the tooltip box, until I uncheck the Tray Tip box.
          • Speaking of the Tray Tip, the popup bubble noise "pops" every five seconds while the Tray Tip is active. The close button on the Tray Tip bubble does not deactivate the Tray Tip option, and I think that might be a good idea. Perhaps the Tray Tip option could be more useful if it was configured in the options dialogue like this:

            [checkbox]Tray Tip every [select] minutes.

            That way, if I wanted to limit my time on a particular task, I could have the Tray Tip to remind me.

          • I like that the application can close when my alarm goes off, but I'd like that to be a checkbox option rather than a mandatory function. I can see many users wanting to set a new alarm when one goes off.
          • Multiple instances of the program or multiple alarms within an instance should be supported. Currently, if the application is running and I try to open it again, it simply opens the active window. What if a user wants to set more than one alarm at a time?

          Overall, a good start on a potentially useful program. Thanks.

          Never kiss your honey
          when your nose is runny.
          You may think it's funny,
          but it'snot.

          Nathan9222's picture
          Last seen: 3 years 1 day ago
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          I will do my best to fix, and

          I will do my best to fix, and add these, I will try and get out an update by friday or sometime this weekend. School started back up yesterday so development of this might slow down a bit, but if I can get more feedback and requests like this then I could probably try to do most if not all in one weekend. Also thanks for using this, and for your feedback. Biggrin

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

          Last seen: 10 months 5 days ago
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          I think this is a great app. I haven't tested it out yet but im learning ahk so if u need any help I might be able to.

          "It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
          "The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."

          TaffinFoxcroft's picture
          Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
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          Here's some little

          Here's some little improvements/fixes I did from Build 1:

          #SingleInstance Force
          SetBatchLines, -1
          FileCreateDir, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\settings
          IniRead, OTool,%A_ScriptDir%\Data\settings\Alarm.ini,Options,ToolTips,1
          IniRead, OTray,%A_ScriptDir%\Data\settings\Alarm.ini,Options,TrayTime,0
          IniRead, OOnTop, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\settings\Alarm.ini,Options,OnTop,0
          If (OOnTop)=True
          	Gui, +AlwaysOnTop
          Gui, +OwnDialogs ; so that the open dialog cant close with a null string (T)
          Gui, Add, DateTime, x245 y93 w125 h25
          Gui, Add, DateTime, x245 y60 w125 h25 vAlarmSet, Time
          Gui, Add, Button, x370 y65 w36 h45 , Set Alarm
          Gui, Add, Text, x6 y150 w100 h20, Time: %CurrentTime%
          Gui, Add, Text, x6 y170 w100 h20 vDate, Date: %A_MM% / %A_DD% / %A_YYYY%
          ;do some things that are only work when not compiled (T)
          If Not A_IsCompiled = 1
          	Gui, Add, Button, x120 y155 gReloadScript,Reload ;(T)
          	Menu, Tray, Icon, %A_ScriptDir%\clock.ico
          Gui, Add, Edit, x16 y20 w250 h20 vMyEdit, 
          Gui, Add, Button, x266 y20 w100 h20 , Browse
          Gui, Add, GroupBox, x6 y0 w380 h60 , Action To Perform
          Gui, Add, GroupBox, x6 y60 w210 h70 , Alarm Options
          Gui, Add, CheckBox, x16 y80 vBeep,Beep ;(T)
          Gui, Add, CheckBox, x16 y100 vPopup,Popup ;(T)
          Gui, Add, GroupBox, x246 y120 w150 h70 , Time Display Options
          Gui, Add, CheckBox, x290 y135 w60 h30 gOnTop vOnTop Checked%OOnTop%, OnTop ;(T)
          Gui, Add, CheckBox, x326 y158 w60 h30 vTool Checked%OTool%, Tooltip
          Gui, Add, CheckBox, x256 y158 w60 h30 vTray Checked%OTray% , TrayTip
          Gui, Show, x394 y209 h196 w408, Time
          SetTimer, TimeLoop, 400  ;---Every 4ms it goes to label TimeLoop:
          SetTimer, OptionLoop, 50 ;---Every .5ms it goes to label OptionalLoop
          GuiControlGet, Checked,, OnTop
          If (Checked)=True
          	Gui, +AlwaysOnTop
          	Gui, -AlwaysOnTop
          FormatTime, CurrentTime, , hh:mm:ss tt   ;---Formats the current time on computer into hourminsecond and adds pm or am
          GuiControl, , Time, Time: %CurrentTime%  ;---Changes the text in the Gui and updates it with the Formated time within the CurrentTime variable
          GuiControl, , Date, Date: %A_MM% / %A_DD% / %A_YYYY%
          FileSelectFile, SelectedFile, 1, %A_ScriptDir%, Select File For Alarm Run, Executable Files (*.exe; *.com; *.bat)
          GuiControl, Text, MyEdit, %SelectedFile%  ;---Put path information into the edit control
          Type1= .exe
          Type2= .com
          Type3= .bat
          If SelectedFile contains %Type1%,%Type2%,%Type3%
          InputBox, CParam, CommandParameters, (Enter Command Parameters if any)
          IniWrite, %AlarmSet%, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\settings\Alarm.ini, Alarm, Time
          SetTimer, Alarm, 500
          FormatTime, CurrentTime, , hh:mm:ss tt
          IniRead, AlarmRead, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\settings\Alarm.ini, Alarm, Time
          FormatTime, Match, YYYYMMDDH24MISS, yyyyMMddHmmss
          If AlarmRead= %Match%
          Goto, AlarmExec
          GuiControlGet, Checked,, Tray
          If (Checked)=True
          	FormatTime, CurrentTime, , hh:mm:ss tt
          	TrayTip, Current Time, %CurrentTime%
          GuiControlGet, Checked,, Tool
          If (Checked)=True
          	FormatTime, CurrentTime, , hh:mm:ss tt
          	ToolTip, %CurrentTime%
          GuiControlGet, Checked,, Beep
          If (Checked)=True
          GuiControlGet, Checked,, Popup
          If (Checked)=True
          	MsgBox, Ding! Your turkey/alarm is done!
          If Not SelectedFile = ""
          	Run, %SelectedFile% %CParam%
          Goto, GuiClose
          IniWrite, %Tool%,%A_ScriptDir%\Data\settings\Alarm.ini,Options,ToolTips
          IniWrite, %Tray%,%A_ScriptDir%\Data\settings\Alarm.ini,Options,TrayTime
          IniWrite, %OnTop%,%A_ScriptDir%\Data\settings\Alarm.ini,Options,OnTop


          • settings are saved in INI file.
          • OnTop checkbox is added/functional.
          • reload button added/functional, allowing you to make changes to the script & then hit reload.
          • tray icon is now clock.
          • some options added in alarm options.

          most my changes are marked with (T), but theres probably some I missed.

          But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
          You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

          Nathan9222's picture
          Last seen: 3 years 1 day ago
          Joined: 2007-12-06 22:35
          Nice, I will check it out,

          Nice, I will check it out, hopefully learn something from it, I also wanted to point this out to AIOAlarm users, for some strange reason that I cannot put my finger on, occasionally this program will not even run the alarm. Not sure yet about a fix but if anyone could begin to skim through my source and see if there are any variables conflicting then that would help me greatly, or if you can find a fix for it. Anyways thanks I will come back and tell you about the changes and see if It will be incorporated into the next release. Blum
          Edit: Just tried this out and I have to say this is pretty neat, I hope that these ideas you have presented before me can allow me to find some sort of way to incorporate more things into this program, such as, being able to have a pop-up custom message, selecting more than one file to open on alarm execution, and many more things to come. Blum

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

          TaffinFoxcroft's picture
          Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
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          nice ideas. I did some more

          nice ideas. I did some more playing around and managed to implement the ability to mininise to tray.
          seeming how it looks like we might be collaborating on this, I set up a AIOA pastebin.

          But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
          You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

          Nathan9222's picture
          Last seen: 3 years 1 day ago
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          ill for sure check out this

          ill for sure check out this when I get home from school tomorrow, I appreciate the help. So ill be thinking of what to do with this program in the meantime so when I come home I can hopefully add it to the script and submit it. Oh yeah do you know how to create menus? But not tray icon ones, like menus that appear under title blocks? If you could attempt this It would greatly help, this was actually one of my next things to do on my list for this program. Blum

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

          TaffinFoxcroft's picture
          Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
          Joined: 2006-12-14 17:24
          it should be able to be done

          it should be able to be done with the Menu command.
          in the meantime, I'll try to figure out why the alarm doesn't work on occasions.
          EDIT: also found this:
          EDIT2: found and fixed the problem with the alarm not going off, plus some other things.

          But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
          You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

          Nathan9222's picture
          Last seen: 3 years 1 day ago
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          Sweet! Sorry that I haven't

          Sweet! Sorry that I haven't gotten anything to release yet, but I know for sure that tomorrow I will be able to, today and the day before I had tons of engineering, math, chemistry, and also Spanish homework to finish up. So I will for sure read over your edited script of this, and then work off of that to get other features integrated into it. I really appreciate your help and your interest in this project, and now hopefully since you have found a fix for our rare problem, then it should be a good start for everything else. Biggrin
          Edit: Just looked over script, and I like what it can do now, but I also noticed that the exe, bat, and com recognition variables had been removed. Still going through it to make sure it can support command parameters, and I am gonna add the ability to play audio/video files. So I should post an update here within the hour or sooner.
          Edit2: Alright were back in business Biggrin I got the whole media playing thing working now, but it will only play formats if the computer has the required codecs. If they are not found then it will not play. Also I am gonna add an exception rule so if the "Close When Done" box is checked it will just run the mediafile and it will use whatever media file is your default. But dont worry I might try to incorporate more exceptions so the media can use another media player besides default.

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

          TaffinFoxcroft's picture
          Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
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          hmm, didn't notice that I

          hmm, didn't notice that I killed the extra command line parameters. here's my latest:

          • FIX: extra parameters dialog wasn't working with (now multi)launch code
          • FIX: ToolTip doesn't follow mouse when TrayTip is enabled
          • ADDED: TrayTip every [select] minutes
          • ADDED: Custom popup message
          • ADDED: Execute multiple files on alarm. separate entries with | e.g. "cmd.exe |calc.exe"

          note: the InputBox for the custom message appears when you untick the box, i'll try and fix that.

          But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
          You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

          Nathan9222's picture
          Last seen: 3 years 1 day ago
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          lol... haha I guess ill add

          lol... haha I guess ill add in this new code. Maybe a new release later today. Or tomorrow. But ill see how it goes, as now I want to try and see if Mplayer supports command parameters so if it does exist in the same directory then it will use it if and only if the Media Play checkbox is used. Biggrin
          Edit: Oh just occurred to me, I think we should inlcude hotkeys, but hotkeys that can be user defined to do certain thinks, like minimize, and maximize the program, and possibly set an alarm, we should also try to get something that would show up on the main GUI that says the alarm is set for xx:xx, where x is the time. So they can see and know the program has done something and is working, but in time we may need to include tabs for this, or a settings button where all these other options would show up in a GUI with tabs and such.
          Edit2: just compiled the new script of yours, I have to say i like it a lot, I especially like the menu thing and ability to run multiple exes and files. Another idea would be, near the browse button, another button that says list or something, and once clicked it would show a list view with the path to the exe's or files you chose to open. Oh found a bug possibly unless you made it so when you hit the browse button and the fileselect window comes up, it will only let you select exe, bat, or com, but I think it would be best if the default is just all files, probably less stressful for people who dont want to run exes. Nice Job on this:D

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

          TaffinFoxcroft's picture
          Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
          Joined: 2006-12-14 17:24
          nathan9222, have you heard of

          nathan9222, have you heard of Tab2? basically, its a tab control for AHK. it might be worth using it to tidy up the GUI and the possibility of adding more features. if we end up doing this, it might be worth using the StatusBar for the time and date. also, was there anything else you wanted with the menus?

          But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
          You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

          Nathan9222's picture
          Last seen: 3 years 1 day ago
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          well I have heard of tabs,

          well I have heard of tabs, but some things with GUI and stuff are like novice areas for me, I havent really had much practice with them too much. But one thing we could do under the menu would be to add a Settings Menu, then with sub menus of some of the settings, or just one sub menu that says settings, where they can change basic settings like, beeping, always on top, close one done. But Im not too sure yet, I guess it would be safe to just add the functions to the program, then once we got them, organize them and stuff to make the program as simple as possible.

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

          TaffinFoxcroft's picture
          Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
          Joined: 2006-12-14 17:24
          I did some more work and here

          I did some more work and here is the end result:
          plus I fired up the old versions of AIOA and took a screenshot:

          nice distance for 2 weeks.

          But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
          You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

          Aciago's picture
          Last seen: 11 months 3 weeks ago
          Joined: 2007-01-24 14:23

          do you want to make it even more "sophisticated"? place the text in a .lng file and you'll have a localizable app... Wink

          Very good job!

          If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port,
          and the bus is interrupted as a very last resort,
          and the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort,
          then the socket packet pocket has an error to report Biggrin

          Nathan9222's picture
          Last seen: 3 years 1 day ago
          Joined: 2007-12-06 22:35
          K, I like what you have done

          K, I like what you have done so far, but I cant get the alarm to run with your latest script, so I may just take some of the ideas you have integrated into the script, and transfer them over to another test script I was doing, and Ill change some things that probably would be better for the application so there is less pauses here and there. But any who.... Just to let you know ill be working on getting the hotkeys working and stuff so you can take a break since you have done a lot. Biggrin So I will post my new script here in a little bit once I tweak some things a bit so there is less chance of error and frustration for the users of this app. Also great job, you have done a lot for this app. Biggrin

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

          TaffinFoxcroft's picture
          Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
          Joined: 2006-12-14 17:24
          this will probably be my last

          this will probably be my last post with development of AIOA for a bit, but here's what i've done:

          • functional power off options
          • start of hotkeys
          • fixed bug where alarm wouldn't happen
          • start of code to show icons in ListView

          you might want to add in some code to save the hotkeys (perhaps under [Hotkeys], to keep [Options] as clean as possible).
          P.S: I just found your code on the pastebin and the options window looks good. maybe try taking the controls from my hotkeys box and put it in as a tab?

          But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
          You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

          Nathan9222's picture
          Last seen: 3 years 1 day ago
          Joined: 2007-12-06 22:35
          I agree that some, if not

          I agree that some, if not most of the controls need to be moved to a separate window, since now its starting to become really crowded in the main GUI. But anyways I was having some luck with the hotkeys in my script but there are some things that I must find out before I can use the feature. I also really like the power off options, but I think we should also add standby and hibernate to it. So I guess since you will not be helping me develop this for a while, then I will finish adding the rest of the features and try to get this application more stable and ready for the next release. Just to let anyone know who is reading this, development will probably slow down quiet a bit because of school, so development of this will probably only happen when I have time or when its the weekend. Also thanks taffinfoxcroft for all your help and development on this app, hope to see you back soon. Blum

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

          TaffinFoxcroft's picture
          Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
          Joined: 2006-12-14 17:24
          if you need help developing

          if you need help developing it i'll help by all means, there's just some other things that I would like to finish up like EasyLinks and ZDoom Portable. but yeah, tabs for the options gui should be good with some of the less used options there like hotkeys and the power options. just remember to change any references to its new location if/when you do. also, Suspend and Hibernate are done via DllCall and there's an example at the bottom of the Shutdown page.

          But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
          You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

          Nathan9222's picture
          Last seen: 3 years 1 day ago
          Joined: 2007-12-06 22:35
          its alright, do what you need

          its alright, do what you need to do, I wouldnt want you to get behind on anything. Plus I think its better that development is a bit slower, this way if I put out another release then it will give the user more time to test it out and give me feedback to fix anything they found. Ill do what I can with this while you are gone, then whenever you get back we can work on this together again. Oh yeah, and i think now I'm gonna go through the script and comment things here and there so we don't confuse ourselves. Biggrin

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

          Nathan9222's picture
          Last seen: 3 years 1 day ago
          Joined: 2007-12-06 22:35
          Hey I hope you can reply to

          Hey I hope you can reply to this real soon. I went ahead and just have been editing the script, but Im not using the one above, the one before that. Well I found several fix's for things, but I wanted to add just the file name in the list view, I got that now, but When I got the code from the script above for the exe icon file, it only shows icons for ahk compiled scripts, but I know the script above will show other exe icons since I have compiled it and ran it. So my question is, is there any other code in the script im not seeing that does this? Cant find it, is it all under the ViewList: tag?
          Edit: Nevermind, I noticed that also the script above has the same problems, I guess what it is doing just needs to be improved a little bit. Ill look into it and see If I can do that.

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

          TaffinFoxcroft's picture
          Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
          Joined: 2006-12-14 17:24
          also, a possible option for

          also, a possible option for playing the media file could be to use MPlayer or ffPlay, seeming how they do the whole include codecs in the actual app thing (or VLC Portable).

          But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
          You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

          horusofoz's picture
          Last seen: 1 year 4 weeks ago
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          OSS is so cool :-p

          Times like this you have admire the cause of OSS Smile


          Nathan9222's picture
          Last seen: 3 years 1 day ago
          Joined: 2007-12-06 22:35
          Found fix for our

          Found fix for our problem...

          GuiControlGet, AlarmSet,, AlarmSet
          FormatTime, AlarmSet
          SB_SetText("Alarm has been set for " . Alarmset)
          msgbox Alarm has been set for %AlarmSet%

          The Formattime that you are doing is not retaining the seconds, just the hour and the minutes, but I went ahead and removed all the above code, and left only the SetTimer, I have another way of displaying the alarm, so we wont have to use a message box. But here is the fixed script, and there is also a settings menu, I plan on using that so all the Program Options wont be on the main GUI and this will give us more space for more functions. I also need to move Play Media under Alarm options instead of Program Options. So Im still very much at work at this, and I hope to finish today. So check back in an hour or two and I might be done.
          Oh here is the new script with the fix....

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          Mahatma Gandhi,
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          Nathan9222's picture
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          New update... Please test and

          New update... Please test and try it out. Hope you like the new features/fixes.
          To TaffinFoxcraft: If you could, could you look at the latest script, and try to fix the icon issue? Whenever you have a chance its fine, I will try to fix the Listview not showing all your selected apps if you want multiple to be ran. I just really dont want to try to fix the icon thing until I can find out more about the method/command you are using to do it, maybe ill be able to fix it but probably not any time soon.

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

          TaffinFoxcroft's picture
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          first thing first: its

          first thing first: its TaffinFoxcroft.
          here's my work:

          i've fixed the icon issue and commented it as well. it uses an ImageList attached to the ListView. it should be in the documentation on the same page as the ListView stuff.
          also, I may have fixed the pausing while the beep is happening by starting it in a seperate thread with SetTimer and then turning it off after one run. can someone please test this for me, as my laptop that I do all this on doesn't let SoundBeep work.

          But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
          You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

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          ill test it out, also I think

          ill test it out, also I think we may have to change the popup message to a gui that displays the message. Cause the message box pauses the script and if you have media to play it or anything else it wont do anything till you hit "ok" unless there is a way to put all this in a loop and have them all execute at once if they are checked? Well ill test out right now and report back in like 10 min if all works out.
          Edit:Just checked it out, but it doesnt seem like the beep works if you have "media play selected" but yeah it beeps and now the listview works and the exe icons show up. Is there a way to get icons for non executables? Cause if possible that would be cool. But yeah anyways In my hotkey testing from before, I had actually managed to save the hotkey to the ini, but when I tried to read it from the ini and store it in a variable for whatever function it was supposed to do, It would come up with an error like %variable% has no function to it Exitapp. or I would try it like %variable%::, then it would say %variable% is not a recognized standard key or something. So yeah I dont know how to get this to work yet but just telling you these so you dont make the same mistake as me.

          Edit2: Also it still pauses when the beep goes off, but ill experiment with it for a while and see whats up with it.

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

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          off the top of my head, the

          off the top of my head, the only thing I can think of is creating another exe with the popup and SoundBeep code in it. depending on what parameters are passed to it, it would do one of those things.
          EDIT: got hotkeys to save:

          But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
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          Compiled your above script

          Compiled your above script and got this error....
          Error: "ERROR" is not a valid key name. The current thread will exit.
          038:Hotkey, %OHShowApp%,ShowHide

          But checked it out and cant see what the problem is.
          Edit: Alright discovered problem, seems you are having variable issues. I went ahead and changed everything from line 33-44 to this

          IniRead, AShowApp, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\settings\Alarm.ini, Hotkeys, ShowApp
          IniRead, AToolTips, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\settings\Alarm.ini, Hotkeys, ToolTips
          IniRead, AOnTop, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\settings\Alarm.ini, Hotkeys, OnTop
          IniRead, ATrayTip, %A_ScriptDir%\Data\settings\Alarm.ini, Hotkeys, TrayTip
          If OHShowApp
          	Hotkey, %AShowApp%,ShowHide
          If OHToolTips
          	Hotkey, %AToolTips%, HTip
          If OHOnTop
          	Hotkey, %AOnTop%, HOnTop
          If OHTrayTip
          	Hotkey, %ATrayTip%, HTrayTip

          SO yeah now it works and nice job on the hotkeys. Blum

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

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          Taffin Foxcroft, I went ahead

          Taffin Foxcroft, I went ahead with your original idea of making tabs and stuff. Please check it out if you can. I just wanted to let you know on what I plan on doing with aioa for now. Under the alarm tab, (tab that lets you set alarm) I have now moved a lot of it to the left side. Now to the right of the date calander I am thinking about putting a ListView. In that list view I hope to add the option for the user to name the alarm whatever they want it to be and I am gonna probably put a button or something that says add new alarm and then another to save and remove alarms. I really do see potential now that we used tabs so it can organize everything better. Here is the pastebin with the new script. Im gonna also add in your shutdown part of the script to it soon. So if you want to add in some of your new script and functions to this script or change anything then feel free to do so. So let me know what you think. Biggrin

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

          TaffinFoxcroft's picture
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          Nice, the tabs add a lot of

          Nice, the tabs add a lot of potential, plus it can help to keep it organised. I like the idea of a ListView for multiple alarms (and being able to save them). Although there is two things:

          1. The tray tip should pop up when the user selects the box so that they know its working. example:

            GuiControlGet,Checked,, Tray
            If (Checked)=True {
            	FormatTime, CurrentTime, , hh:mm:ss tt
            	TrayTip, Current Time, %CurrentTime%
            	GuiControlGet, TrayLoopTime,,TrayRefresh
            	EnvMult, TrayLoopTime, 60
            	SetTimer,TrayTip, %TrayLoopTime%000 ;---Every blah blah it goes to label TrayTip:
            	SetTimer,TrayTip, Off
          2. The ListView code is broken. Here's something that should work:
            ;C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe |C:\Windows\system32\calc.exe  
            GuiControlGet,SelectedFile,,MyEdit ; get pipeline seperated run string like the example above
            Gui 2:Default
            Gui, Add, ListView, vListFiles, File Name|Location
            Gui, Show ;create the GUI with the listview
            ImageListID := IL_Create(10,5) ; create the ImageList
            LV_SetImageList(ImageListID) ; and attach it to the ListView
            Loop, Parse, SelectedFile, |
            	{ 											; loop through each entry 
            	SplitPath, A_LoopField, name 				; getting its name, e.g. cmd.exe
            	IL_Add(ImageListID, A_LoopField, 1)			; storing its icon in the ImageList
            	LV_Add("Icon" . A_Index,name,A_LoopField)	; then add both of these plus the full path to the listview
            Gui 1:Default
            Gui, Destroy

          But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
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          Nice, glad that the list view

          Nice, glad that the list view now works. I also added a little code to the traytip part so that if the box is unchecked it will remove the traytip so it doesnt stay there. I really hope to be able to finish that list view real soon for multiple alarms and such. Thanks check back real soon. Acute

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

          TaffinFoxcroft's picture
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          speaking of multiple alarms,

          speaking of multiple alarms, here's my changes from your tabbed version. one of those changes is multiple alarms.

          i haven't extensively tested it, so there's probably a bug or two that i've missed in there.

          But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
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          Wow amazing, It works well

          Wow amazing, It works well with running the alarms, but it doesnt seem to play media or other alarm options. Since you already got the code for the list view ill just go through it and edit it. Ill try to get everything else to work and perhaps add the save alarms feature. Nice job on this. Acute

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

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          New update, Listview for

          New update, Listview for multiple alarms and your hotkeys will be added in the next release Taffin Foxcroft. The installer is now in Paf format so installing it for use with PAM should be a lot easier. Please remember that currently if you are gonna restart, shutdown, or logoff that you should save everything way before you set it. In the next release I will try to add something that will show the time remaining before the alarm executes so you can have time to save and close your programs. But with standby and hibernate there is really no need to do so, since it wont close anything unless something goes wrong. Enjoy and please report any problems or bugs you have while using this app. ;P

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

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          I have added the option for

          I have added the option for the user to select which mediaplayer they want to use when they execute an alarm. There is an option for MPlayer, VLC, and Just the AHKPlayer. I also began to add in your list view stuff for multiple alarms but I have been messing around with this media thing for a while and not much the list view so for now just ignore the listview stuff in this script.

          If you can please download both MPlayer portable from here and VLC portable from here and make sure they are both in the script directory, Ill add in something so it can get the directory of MPLayer and VLC outside of its own directory.

          Edit: here is the script that now find mplayer and vlc outside its own directory so it should now work with the PAM.

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

          horusofoz's picture
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          quick question

          Is it possible to add Songbird and are the paths relative so that f you set it a media player on one drive then use it on another drive letter (eg different pc) it will still work?


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          All the paths are relative so

          All the paths are relative so moving from drive to drive or drive letters changing wont affect it. It might be possible to add songbird just as long as it supports commandline parameters. Ill see if it does. But if any of you want I can compile the script above so you guys can try the new mediaplay options so you can have a broader range of video files and audio files playing.

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

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          double post, sorry.

          double post, sorry.

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          new version.

          fixed up multiple alarms and the play media code, plus some other little things. (like saving and loading alarms)

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          You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

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          Nice, but the savings alarm

          Nice, but the savings alarm thing only launches the first one on the list after you exit and then reload. Doesnt seem to work with multiple entries yet. If I could I would really try to fix this ASAP but I have been busy with school stuff and probably will be till the weekend. I think that in the list view it might be better to only include a few options of the alarms. Cause it might be too crowded to know what is going on. I have a few ideas that many ppl might like but ill let you know them later once we get these features at hand sorted out. Smile

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

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          School has started again for

          School has started again for me and my spare time has suddenly dropped, so I won't be able to do much on AIOA. the save and load code wasn't tested much, so there's a fair bit of room for improvement in there. just remember, its your program so you can do whatever you want with it.

          But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
          You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

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          Just wondering... What grade

          Just wondering... What grade are you in?.... I think that since this app is only a month old, and that it has gotten pretty far. I would say most of the progress was because of you, SO you could say that this program is both of ours. Blum With the features we have now I believe we can at least compete with some freeware alternatives of an alarm clock app. We might be limited to what we can do since we are using ahk but at least ours is portable and is small Blum

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

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          new version

          new version, did a lot involving the GUI and multiple alarms.
          MD5: ce1f95bbb44800c3b225c4b696782a31
          oh, and also, I'm in year 10.

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          Nice, I like this. I think

          Nice, I like this. I think there might be an open function, cause after every execution of an alarm like 2 msgboxes come up and say 0 or 1. But ill check and see what is causing that, or is it supposed to do that?

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

          TaffinFoxcroft's picture
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          that would be some debug code

          that would be some debug code i forgot to remove.

          • comment line 372 and uncomment 373.
          • comment line 377 and uncomment 378.
          • comment line 472 and 473.

          it wouldn't be hard to do this, but what about a message box with a 10 second timeout for the shutdown and hibernate code?
          note: AIOA works fine on the new version of AHK.

          But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
          You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

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          Yeah the timeout would

          Yeah the timeout would probably be good, so it can warn the user the computer will turn off and then they can save their work and stuff. Maybe We could try to code together a borderless window in the shape of a wrist watch? Or Use a picture of a wristwatch that could be a base for the timer. Its not necessary but it would make it look nice. Im glad the new AHK didnt mess anything up and ill check out the new features it offers and see if I can get an idea that would make them useful in this app. Biggrin

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

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          as in a GUI window that has

          as in a GUI window that has 100% transparency, but with an image of a clock drawn on it? its a good idea, but would it count down or just show the time?
          EDIT: uploaded new version with debug features removed:

          But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
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          It would be to countdown, and

          It would be to countdown, and then maybe have the ability to define the countdown starting point, so the user can choose at least up to a minute to countdown.

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

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          Hey Nathan

          Just had another run at this and worked without any issues on XP SP3 with admin rights.

          * An analogue clock display/graphic with option to switch to digital display in the bedside alarm clock style
          * Maybe an option to minimise window to just the graphic display which you can right click to open options and double left click to open complete app window .

          Thanks for your work Smile


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          A fully skinnable desktop

          A fully skinnable desktop alarm clock would be cool.

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          Ill see what can be done

          Ill see what can be done about this. Ill need to brush up on my skills in theming and GUI related stuff. Ill try to look for some examples at the autohotkey forums and study the code and then take some ideas from other scripts. So ill start working on seeing if ur suggestions can be done. Biggrin
          Oh has anyone tried out the media playing options? I have tested them a few times, as to test its compatibility with the PAM organization, so it will search the PortableApps folder for Mplayer Or VLCPlayer. I have mainly tested media playing with Mplayer not VLCPlayer so not sure if there are any flaws in the way its opening media in VLC. Feedback on these would be much appreciated. ;P

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

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          a quick search through the AHK forums reveals this:

          It might be a little hard to implement seeming how it uses pictures for everything, but it should be possible.

          The only idea I have for doing the analog clock on the desktop would be to use GDIPlus and draw everything, but that is a tedious process.
          EDIT: found this by Titan (he's a bit of a AHK legend). Looks interesting.

          But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
          You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

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          hmm interesting, i like the

          hmm interesting, i like the Titan one, Maybe just include it as like a seperate script and include it if a user wants it to come up when the main window is minimized to tray? It would be really awesome if there could have been numbers like 3, 6, 9, and 12, so you can guess the time more accurately. But i guess lets see what happens, ill just put some stuff together and post the scripts up and see if anyone likes it.

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

          TaffinFoxcroft's picture
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          You cant actually do that

          You cant actually do that with AHK, i.e. the following code wouldn't work:

          If ShowClockA
             #include TitanClock.ahk

          so you could have a function/label to show/hide the analogue clock window (but if its the first time the function is run, you could have it create the window so that youd don't waste memory).

          But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
          You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

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          If you can give me a command

          If you can give me a command line switch to open and close the main dialog, I can just add a LeftMouseDownAction to my Rainmeter clock configs to open AIOA.

          Now you're own your own for skinning the message window. Blum

          Nathan9222's picture
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          Ill add a command parameter

          Ill add a command parameter in ASAP to do just that then we can work from there. Since spring break just started up, im gonna be developing on this for a few days, just to get things up to date, add new features, etc. Hopefully we can get this out of Beta and get it ready for an official release. So anyone interested in helpin make this possible, please test this out thoroughly and if you develop in AHK please take a look at the source code to help fix any possible errors. TaffinFoxcroft, I will use your latest script to add in some of my new code I developed a while back since the way you did it is probably the best way for this app to go. As for the Analogue clock and stuff like that, they will be incorporated in as soon as we get out a basic, and nearly flawless app. So keep your eyes peeled for updates here. Thanks everyone for your help and time spent testing and devloping this app. Biggrin

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

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          Porting AllInOne AlarmClock to Lazarus

          Hi guys

          Just curious as to how hard would it be to port this to Lazarus? I know it would be a new language to learn but wouldn't it be worth it considering Lazarus is supposed to be a Rapid Application Development environment. Now I don't know nadda bout this stuff really but If I get the jist of this it means a RAD environment is sorta like what MS Access is for databases right? Anyway just thought I'd make the suggestion considering we now have a portable version here on and it may help to incorporate new features into AllInOne AlarmClock.

          Keep up the good work Smile


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          Shouldnt be hard im assuming

          Shouldnt be hard im assuming but cant be sure till I actually look at how the syntax is and what commands Lazurus offers. Since the AHK version is fairly simple, just using a lot of tricks and such to get things working, I think one could make use of Lazurus's simple commands and put them together in a way that would get the same results as the AHK version. Anyways TaffinFoxcroft, I went through your latest script and fixed media bugs, since mediaplayer and VLCPlayer would not be recognized the way you had it, and I also added "Default" Checking to the MediaPlaying and also Shutdown/Suspend options that Check certain values as their defualt. Also I discovered possibly a bug in the listview, When it views the icon of the selected file in has its own row then the file name and the location is added a row below it which makes it look kinda weird.
          Script can be found here:
          Oh and I changed the position of alarm set, makes alarm setting faster and easier than ur setup. Biggrin

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

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          Build 1 Released

          I went ahead and released a Build of the Upcoming release out of Beta. So any feedback or bug reports will be helpful, also the sooner the better as I only have 1 solid week of being able to work on this, after that development will slow down like it did before. Biggrin Once this Build is near perfect I shall take it up to John to see if it can be made official. So test out thoroughly and post back your results.
          Enjoy Biggrin
          Edit: Found a bug in the Suspend/hibernate options. When clicking hibernate it seems to just standby, so I think there is some variable conflicting or just an error where the variable is supposed to be made. So if u do hibernate it will just go to standby instead. Im gonna fix this right now and upload another build.

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

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          good idea with the Checked thing. I had it noted somewhere, but it must have slipped my mind...
          anyways, I figured out the problem my implementation of the Media playing problem:

          	If Not (PlayerCode)= "N" And SelectedMedia
          		If (PlayerCode)= "A"
          			SoundPlay, %SelectedMedia%, 1
          		Else If (PlayerCode)= "M" And FileExist(A_ScriptDir . "\..\MPlayerPortable\MPlayerPortable.exe")
          		; ^^ checks to see if the file exists and if the player code is correct
          			Run,%A_ScriptDir%\..\MPlayerPortable\MPlayerPortable.exe "%SelectedMedia%"
          		Else If (PlayerCode)= "V" And FileExist(A_ScriptDir . "\..\VLCPortable\VLCPortable.exe") ; see above
          			Run, %A_ScriptDir%\..\VLCPortable\VLCPortable.exe "%SelectedMedia%"

          the FileExist didn't like how I was passing the string to it, so the condition was never true. Also the reason I did it like that is because if MPlayer or VLC portable isn't installed, it will error (which isn't very user friendly).

          Next issue, the hibernate (or lack of it):

          	GuiControlGet, PHibernate, ,PHibernate
          	GuiControlGet, PForcedSuspend, ,PForcedSuspend
          	DllCall("PowrProf\SetSuspendState", "int", %PHibernate%, "int", %PForcedSuspend%, "int", 0)

          the problem was that PHibernate and PForcedSuspend were empty, so 2 GuiControlGets fixed that.

          But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
          You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

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          Alright sweet, now were back

          Alright sweet, now were back in business. I think im gonna be hard at work tryin to get what you have listed to be done at the top of the script. And possibly try to add a save alarms feauture. Hopefully we can get those incorporated in and once we do I think we will have a nice application. Biggrin
          Edit: Still having the same problem with the Hibernate, but I checked via MsgBox before it should run the Dll call and it does return 1 which is really wierd. Im not sure why its not working, we might have to go back to just using numbers instead of variables that should represent the number but dont seem to be.

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

          TaffinFoxcroft's picture
          Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
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          got it! Try removing the

          got it! Try removing the percent signs from around the variables in the DllCall.
          To do the Save alarms feature you could export the code in GuiClose into a function then just call that whenever you need to save them, like this:

          But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
          You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

          Nathan9222's picture
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          This is pretty awesome. Ill

          This is pretty awesome. Ill continue workin on this tomorrow since its late where im at. Keep up the good work. Biggrin

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

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          Can you make a TARDIS in AHK? I need it for strictly legal purposes, you know getting into work on time and stuff... maybe one or two lotteries Biggrin


          TaffinFoxcroft's picture
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          Maybe. First of all I would need a multi-threaded AHK with the proper knowledge of how to use each thread, then I would need a means of dividing the date, time, latitude and longitude by 0/pi . And last but not least, some hallucinogenic substance that can be injected into the user to make them think that its working.

          But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
          You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

          horusofoz's picture
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          LMAO :D

          LMAO Biggrin


          Nathan9222's picture
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          Build 2 Released

          Build two fixes some bugs and also adds new features. Please test them out thoroughly and post back any bugs you may find. The Save alarms in the future may be implemented via a Button next to Alarm list, but for now it is under File Menu, Save. This feature will be useful once we can get recurring alarms.
          Enjoy Biggrin

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

          Nathan9222's picture
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          Found a way for 24 hour

          Found a way for 24 hour support via this command...

          FormatTime, 24hour, Tn8
          MsgBox %24hour%.

          Now this shows the time for example: 2:35 PM Wednesday, March 18, 2009
          So if this is better and readable then the current way then I believe we should replace it with the 24 hour. I think if the day and the date become a hassle they can alwaysbe excluded out and we can just set up a seperate variable for that. But I was wondering what is unix time? I looked it up but it seems to me to achieve the pattern for the time you would have to incorporate some math functions into the script. I guess now the next thing on the list is the recurring alarms that can be set one day and be used the next. I think we should incorporate that as an optional alarm option so if it is checked an alarm that is set while it is checked will retain some variable that will identify it as recurring and then a variable string of a date could be updated while the alarm starts up. I think that would work like that. Ill see what I can do, see if I can get that, or you might beat me to it. Acute
          Edit: Also in the 24 hour support, seconds can be shown by adding Tn0, so this method should work the same as the way before.

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

          TaffinFoxcroft's picture
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          Unix time isn't really that

          Unix time isn't really that high on the agenda, it was just thrown out there by someone on IRC.
          the last parameter for FormatTime would be T8, not Tn8 (a little n in the AHK documentation means number).

          But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
          You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

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          Lol, my mistake, alright I

          Lol, my mistake, alright I think im on to something with the recurring alarms so if u want to mess around with the 24 hour support and If i figure out a way to get the recurring alarms ill post the code then we can just join them together in the end. After we get these out and a few more days of testing we should be good for out first out of Alpha/Beta release. Biggrin

          Edit: Just noticed something.. In the source code it says " 24 hour time support, as in 2359 would be 11:59 pm" But wouldnt that be 12 hour support? Since 24 hour support would display it as 23:59? So were you lookin for 24 hour or 12? Cause 12 would probably be more user friendly and be easier to read. Blum

          Edit2: Here is something that might be worthy of trying to incorporate. Since many computers connect to the internet, a server, and update their time to the servers time based on their local settings. I wonder if it would be possible to incorporate that into this. But not update the whole computer time settings just download a time list or something and run it based of of that? or if easier just something that would request the computer time be updated since i know a lot of computers for example at school have different times than other computers in the same building and also they can be way off of the actual time.

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

          TaffinFoxcroft's picture
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          Some findings

          Nathan9222In the source code it says " 24 hour time support, as in 2359 would be 11:59 pm" But wouldnt that be 12 hour support?

          2359 in 12 hour time is 11:59, correct. I was tired when I wrote that.
          I was planning of doing this with a second DateTime control that displayed 24 hour time instead, then make the two controls update each other when one of them changes.

          On the topic of internet time, I found a script or two on the AHK forums that demonstrate how to do this. Although, if we want the new time to appear only in AIOA it would require changes to the matching code and the time update code.
          note: internet time servers return the time in UTC, so it would need to be converted first.

          But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
          You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

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          TaffinFoxcroftAlthough, if we

          TaffinFoxcroftAlthough, if we want the new time to appear only in AIOA it would require changes to the matching code and the time update code.

          Well I think it might be easier to just have it update the computers time and not isolate it to just the alarm. At least for now. Also the updating of the time could probably just be incorporated through a separate script and just called on when it is needed later.

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

          TaffinFoxcroft's picture
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          Sounds good. Shall You do it,

          Sounds good. Shall You do it, or shall I?
          If I do it, it will probably be a function Blum

          But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
          You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

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          Well currently me bein in the

          Well currently me bein in the US of A its my bed time, and ur in australia and it is now a bit past mid day there im assuming, so if you want to, you can do it but it doesnt matter ill get around to it when I wake up sometime tomorrow. Its ur pick. Biggrin

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

          Nathan9222's picture
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          Ok here is a thought for the

          Ok here is a thought for the recurring alarms.... Since we only need three different values to be changed, the year, the month and the day. We could just write the time in a variable then save it to the ini leaving out the above three values. Once read it will then add the three values like this... YearMonthDayTime(am/pm), then later in the script it will just pull out the time and match it. Or we may not even need to include the year or the date or the month. We could just have time matches instead which would make this usable for anytime and it wouldnt matter when it was set for. We could always provide an option to set alarms for specific dates if the user wanted to. Let me know what you think cause I think I know of a way now where we can get recurring alarms but just wanted to know if u wanted to keep the YearMonthDay in the variable or just exclude it unless the user wants to set an alarm for a specific date. Blum
          Edit: Ok here is some thought, we provide a checkbox for reoccurring alarms or a button then if it is it will do something like

          FormatTime, Match2, YYYYMMDDH24MISS, yyyyMMddHHmmss
          IfInString, Match1, %Match2%

          But change formattime accordingly so it will only have the time within Match2 variable. Then if it does find a match in the time then it will execute the alarm. But im sure there is a more efficient way to do this but I just cant think of it right now.
          Edit2: Also I think if we are gonna do recurring alarms, the code that clears the alarms may need to be taken out, or have something that will recognize if it is recurring and only clear those that arent. Cause with this way it is clearing it after it is done and it would be impossible to have recurring alarms.

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

          TaffinFoxcroft's picture
          Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
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          Good thoughts. I was thinking

          Good thoughts. I was thinking for the recurring alarms it could be written to the ini as either number or as a word, e.g:
          1 -> daily
          2 -> weekly
          3 -> monthly
          You could also do yearly, but I wouldn't bother yet.

          Nathan9222, the code that clears the alarms may need to be taken out, or have something that will recognize if it is recurring and only clear those that arent.

          Before the code to clear it out of the ListView is called, you could put:

          If Not RecurringAlarm

          So that if RecurringAlarm has either 1 or anything else in it (besides for 0) it doesn't delete it.

          Here's my latest version with 24 hour time and updating the computer time from the internet.

          But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
          You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

          Nathan9222's picture
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          Neatness I shall take a look

          Neatness I shall take a look at this new one, I just hope the 24 hour time doesnt mess up how I was gonna do the recurring alarms. Biggrin

          TaffinFoxcroftI was thinking for the recurring alarms it could be written to the ini as either number or as a word, e.g:
          1 -> daily
          2 -> weekly
          3 -> monthly

          Possibly, This may require some math functions, so for example it can calculate the time left for it to recur. But Im assuming that this is low priority, since we still need to get the recurring alarms to work. Blum Anyways I will try to push out my version of recurring alarms ASAP, though there might not be any guarantees of it being done today.

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

          Nathan9222's picture
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          Not sure if the recurring

          Not sure if the recurring alarms works but here is a start, If you can please compile or run this script and see if u can find any flaws in it.
          Ill try to see if it will execute again by changing the time on the computer and see if it will recur. But let me know how ur testing goes. Blum
          Oh I also had a go with ur latest script and I like the update thing, and I think on the time choosing part you may need to include up down arrows for ppl unless that is how you wanted it to be? Since u can choose the date and everything. Blum

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

          Nathan9222's picture
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          K I think im on the verge of

          K I think im on the verge of the recurring alarms. Can you check out and see why now with the current code, it wont even go into the loop on line 389. Check out from line 353-370 and let me know if you can find a way so this can be fixed. I believe once this gets fixed then we will have the recurring alarms but I really need help on this since I know there is a problem there as NoRecurring works well. So please check out. Blum .....

          Edit: Just in case I forget, I think it would be cool if we implemented a Snooze button. But only allow it to snooze in minutes not hours. Have something like.....

          If Snooze=Blank
          ;---Continue application as if nothing happened
          ;But if snooze contains a value be like....
          Snooze += AlarmSet
          Goto Alarm

          Or something along those lines as im sure some of the above code is wrong but Im sure that implementing a snooze wouldnt be too challenging but this is low-priority and doesnt have to be implemented. Im just throwing this idea out there. If you a reader of this and use this app let us know if this feature would be useful, if some find it useful then it will probably be implemented. Biggrin

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

          horusofoz's picture
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          Useful :D

          Maybe have something so that after an alarm has been snoozed it comes up bigger/louder than previously?


          Nathan9222's picture
          Last seen: 3 years 1 day ago
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          haha I can see louder but idk

          haha I can see louder but idk about it getting bigger. Blum

          An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
          Mahatma Gandhi,
          Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)


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