I have a Kingston 16 gig flash drive and i use it at work. I am a police officer and I have some items on there that people would not need if I lose it. Is there an apps program that would allow me to have to put in a password before the flash drive could be opened. I have the PortableApps on my drive and I love using them. Please let me know what i need to download so I can get this working. I have been looking but did not see any apps here that would do that. I do not need it encrypted just password protected so I am the only one who gets into it.
Thanks Alan
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Password protect flash drive
January 6, 2009 - 1:45pm
Password protect flash drive
Being a police officer I think that you need to encrypt more than password protect only... search the forum, this have been requested a lot... (I'm to lazy today to search for you, just answered because I saw that nobody was answering)
Good luck!
If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port,
and the bus is interrupted as a very last resort,
and the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort,
then the socket packet pocket has an error to report
You may consider using geek.menu as the menu system, as a replacement for the PortableApps menu.
This is a 'fork' of the PortableApps project and is a full replacement for the PortableApps Platform-only download.
It has a lot of additional features, and has built-in full support for truecrypt.
Just go to http://geek-menu.sourceforge.net/ and download the geek.menu experimental
It includes TrueCrypt 5.0a
The easiest way to go is to create a TrueCrypt container, that will be mounted as a drive.
Supported encryption algotithms are AES-256, Serpent, and Twofish, or any combination of two of them or all three.
For more info, see the user guide that will be installed in the truecrypt folder.
Just play a little with it, I am sure it will satisfy your needs.
Features include:
If you also need info for how to gracefully dismount the encrypted volume and the host volume (your USB stick) upon exit, let me know and I will explain how to do this.
Kind regards,
I'd mentioned TrueCrypt to him when I spoke with him earlier. Keep in mind that TrueCrypt requires administrative rights and will not work on computers you don't own (library, net cafe, hotel business center, school computer labs, most office PCs, etc). So, it's really not that portable and not suitable to most people's needs.
Also, we usually don't like recommending alpha/beta/experimental software to brand new users as they may not fully understand the risks.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
[self-promotional comment removed - moderator PP]
Allo derelict, although it may have been unintentional as the software was related to the topic, I've removed your comment as it qualifies as self-promotion which is not permitted in these forums.
Also, could you please remove the link from your signature as they are only permitted in the 'Homepage' field.
Also, welcome to the forums!
you can buy ironkey.
what about compressing data with 7zip Portable or peazip portable, applying encryption. But it can be tedious.
I have a Lexar Jumpdrive Secure II Plus and it comes with the Secure II software which allows you to encrypt files with a password, secure delete files, shred free space on the drive, and shred the recycle bin. The software is free with the purchase of this thumbdrive and or the Premium Jumpdrive from Lexar. This software can also create encrypted vaults with administrator's privileges. These vaults use 256-bit AES encryption (so does the file encryption).
Disclaimer: I am not an advertiser and only wish to provide options. The "Premium Jumpdrives" are available at www.lexar.com only.
Hi mr. policeman
TiddlyWikiWizard mr. Ken Girard has made a very usefull adaption of the portable wiki (http://tiddlywiki.com/) which stores confidential text with passwordprotection and encryption. It's called TiddlyFolio.
TiddlyFolio is a "wiki wallet" for securely storing:
* your passwords
* credit card details and
* any other private information you may keep in your wallet or on your
phone or PDA
Each item may be encrypted when saved, by clicking a checkbox, or
stored in plain text.
Read more about it/download it here: http://groups.google.com/group/tiddlywiki-announcements/browse_thread/th...
I recommend you to install Firefox portable on Your thumbdrive and set TiddlyFolio as your startpage. TiddlyWiki is only one htmlfile - and you kan keep as many backups of it as you like - even online - just remember to encrypt confidential material.
Regards Måns Mårtensson - (Teacher - Denmark)
Ps: A geeky alternative:
Alternatively you could partition your thumbdrive and make a Linuxpartition that cannot be entered unless you boot from the thumbdrive. There are many alternative Linuxflavours you can use in this approach - and it depends on the computer available to you - if it can boot from a thumbdrive.
One which is also capable of booting inside Windows as a virtual machine(no need to boot from scratch - but it can as well)- is Qemupuppy: http://www.erikveen.dds.nl/qemupuppy/
QemuPuppy doesn't need Linuxpartions - but runs from files that are not accessible directly from Windows - when you are not running Puppy as a virtual pc.
Of course its not totally secure - people can boot your Linux and find your material - because PuppyLinux isn't passwordprotected - but only few people understand what it is all about - and don't really bother when they cannot access the data directly from within Windows - They can't even find your material if they open your thumbdrive from another Linux - because QemuPuppy needs to be active - before your files assemble.
If you use f.x. TiddlyFolio in QemuPuppy via Seamonkey or firefox, and TiddlyFolio is saved and encrypted inside your qemupuppyinstallation - people - even trying to find confidential material won't have a clue...
I know that the last workaround is a bit geeky - but it is quite handy and QemuPuppy running in Windows is a fast and versatile experience - compared to other larger Linuxdistributions running from a thumbdrive. It's very easy to use for people who have never used Linux before.
I've even managed to make my own version with its own button in the beforementioned geekmenu - I've installed Wine(Windowsemulator)in QemuPuppy - and when I choose to boot from scratch (not with Qemu in Windows) - I use geekmenu with portable apps (OpenOfficeportable, Firefoxportable etc)in PuppyLinux. No dublets - just the same apps as I use in Windows under normal circumstances.
When I have administrative rights on the hostcomputer I usually install kqemu and then I can run QemuPuppy almost as fast in Windows as booting directly into PuppyLinux.
I know I got a bit offtopic - but its related and not to many people know that you can run Linux via qemu on a Windowsmachine without administrative privileges.
Regards MM-DK