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Pidgin: Launcher.. why?

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Last seen: 15 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2007-10-22 02:42
Pidgin: Launcher.. why?

Just a question and maybe a request...

Pidgin's site has direction for portable (using the pidgin exe renamed) so it automagically stores its data in the program folder. Why not simply make the launcher use that rather than creating the additional directory structure?

And, if possible could somebody create a launcher for me that will run Pidgin\pidgin-portable.exe without the additional path garbage please and mail it to hreality(at)gmail(dot)com.


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John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 37 min 28 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Several Reasons

There are several reasons for it:

  • The directory structure is needed to fit the Format Specification. This allows for many things:
    1. All apps to work the same way making it easy to navigate for users
    2. It's able to use the Installer which means: smaller downloads than ZIPs, in-place upgrades with removal of outdated files (no need for users to manually delete anything), and other bonuses
    3. Work with our Backup utility so that users can easily backup their application data for all their apps quickly without needing to backup all the apps
  • Users can easily add a Win9x compatible GTK and the launcher will use it when on older operating systems
  • The launcher also updates your paths for you in Pidgin's settings files. With Pidgin's guidelines, some of your custom features will break as you move drives and your drive letter changes

All apps in Format work the same way, making it easy to install, easy to upgrade, easy to backup and easy to navigate manually for advanced users.

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