I've been working with a portable launcher for winamp. If anyone's interested I can post the laucher once I make some installation instructions. I know that Winamp is NOT open-source so I will only post the launcher.
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I've been working with a portable launcher for winamp. If anyone's interested I can post the laucher once I make some installation instructions. I know that Winamp is NOT open-source so I will only post the launcher.
already one here
https://portableapps.com/node/12519 tis launcher only though
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
This was devo's last post;
"I've recently run into a lot of work and haven't been able to continue the development of this. I am looking for someone to take this over. There are a few things I planned to add to the launcher but never got around to doing.
1. Backup Winamp.ini into the Data folder
2. Backup the skins directory into the Data folder
3. Backup the media library into the Data folder
There are also some reg entries that were never backed up/deleted.
If someone would like to take this over, feel free. All the files are included in the launcher at the top (Test 3). Just post a message somewhere letting me know that you will take it over so I know and I can send you any files you would like.
I figured I would help the guy out. Is that such a bad thing?
So do you want the launcher code? Are you planning on implementing any of the above features or are you just going to put out a launcher that does the same thing mine did? I would be grateful for additional help, but if it's not going to be any different, there's no point in posting another launcher that does the same exact thing.
I run the launcher and tested the portability with TotalUninstall (previously I used Winamp full 5.3.1 Installer and the extraction instructions) and it reported that there where two entries created
-> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Nullsoft-BackupByWinampPortable\Winamp]
-> [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1960408961-630328440-1417001333-1003\SOFTWARE\Netscape\Netscape Navigator\Viewers\interface/x-winamp-skin\REG_SZ, "E:PortableApps\WinampPortable\App\Winamp\Winamp.exe"
I guess the second one was created when it tried to connect to internet and actually it replaced my local winamp installation key.
Can I fix it by adding the entry [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Nullsoft-BackupByWinampPortable] to the launcher files *\WinampPortable\Data\settings\winamp.reg and *\WinampPortable\App\DefaultData\settings\winamp.reg ?
The second key I have no idea how to fix it (I´m not coder expert or anything like that
just a simple user with hum some ideas... so that´s why I´m asking 
Apart from that my custom skin, equalization and other configs didn´t change my local installation so it worked well
One last thing is that when I followed the instruction to extract and configure the files in the installer i didn´t found the IsFirstInst=1 setting so... i created it (with value 0). Don´t know if that has some matter...
Anyway I don´t like to mess my friend computers so if you know tell me if there is a workaround or what i´m doing wrong or if those keys have actually no importance
SanDisk U3 has an app for Winamp, but it's designed for U3. So, having full functionality like U3's is possible.
Just as an FYI.
I would appreciate the source code very much. I've managed to get the winamp.ini and media library to follow along. I'm not sure what you mean by backing up the skins directory. The skins directory belongs in the folder with winamp.exe and I've installed some extra skins to the folder and those followed along as well. I assume that's what you mean.
What I meant was for the launcher to copy/move the skins directory from App/winamp to Data/skins. This way the PortableApps.com Backup Utility will backup all the settings (winamp.ini, media library, and skins). To do this I think the best way would be to have two folders within the Data folder:
1) ./Data/settings - this would contain winamp.ini and the media library
2) ./Data/skins - this could contain all the users skins
The only other thing to do would be to have the launcher update all the paths in the media library when the drive letter changes. I searched around the winamp forums for how to do this, but it seems that the library is written in a proprietary format. It is worth looking into though because if the drive letter changes, the media library is totally broken unless folders are rescanned.
Another method might be to update the winamp.ini to update the path of the Watch Folders and have them scanned on startup. This could take a really long time depending on the size of the media library though.
I have directions for portablizing winamp and installing it properly within my launcher, so if you download it, you can just use/improve those instructions if you want.
Here's the launcher I wrote:
Good luck.
I've worked around some stuff, and I've got this so far if anyone wants to try it out. It uses the root drive to save the app data instead of the application data folder. You're going to need this first. save that file as "AppDataRedirect.nsh" and put it in the same directory as the .nsi file.
Here's the code so far...
No because it's not allowed at work... I tried a portable Winamp from another site and I got a cryptic message from Windows saying "winamp*.exe cannot be executed, contact your system administrator". How about that?!? I can run VLC, MPlayer, SMPlayer, XMPlay, the system has QuickTime and Windows Media Player on it, I've run Firefox, I've even run Deus Ex (a game based on Unreal Tournament '99) and ZSNES with no problem. But Winamp*.exe is specifically blocked. C'est la vie... (is that spelled right?)
Yes because I use it at home as my primary music player, but I'd want a launcher that supports v2.91. I despise the 3.x series and the 5.x are lacking in a few areas, and they really haven't offered any killer features since they went paid. Ripping and burning? WMP can do that for free. And CDRTFE is free and open source. So, yawn. (There's actually a 2.95, but IIRC they took something out, like OGG support, something stupid, so I went back to 2.91.)
Changing or set APPDATA\winamp folder directly to SETTINGSDIRECTORY.