Application: Toucan
Category: Utilities
Description:Toucan is a custom built portable app for advanced users to synchronise, backup and encrypt their data, wherever they are.
Download Toucan 2.0.5 Pre-release 1 [2.4MB download / 3MB installed]
(MD5: 8a83f76d0905d3b9dbb3287adeb18f29)
Release Notes:
Pre-release 1 (2009-02-06):
- New helpfile
- Tab rename
- Startup speed increase
- Portuguese (Brazilian) added
- Remember entered information options
- Multiple bug fixes
- Updated installer
Please not also that the way the Rules work has been changed. Rules will text matched unless they have a * in front in which case they will be treated as a regex.
I'm using this right away
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
Thanks Steve Advocate
to say that there is a new variable too called @label@ that grabs the label from your autorun.inf file if it exists. Very handy if you have lots of drive to back up.