It's in your FirefoxPortable\Data folder. Just backup the entire Data folder if you'd like to reinstall or whatever (though the FirefoxPortable installer shouldn't harm your Data folder).
If you want to move a file and don't know how, open the source folder on the left ("FirefoxPortable") and the destination folder on the right (whatever it may be). Click and hold the Data folder with the RIGHT mouse button and then "drag" it to the destination folder. Release the right mouse button and it will pop up a tiny menu offering you the options to Copy, to Move, to Create Shortcut, or to Cancel. Choose Move.
It's in your FirefoxPortable\Data folder. Just backup the entire Data folder if you'd like to reinstall or whatever (though the FirefoxPortable installer shouldn't harm your Data folder).
If you want to move a file and don't know how, open the source folder on the left ("FirefoxPortable") and the destination folder on the right (whatever it may be). Click and hold the Data folder with the RIGHT mouse button and then "drag" it to the destination folder. Release the right mouse button and it will pop up a tiny menu offering you the options to Copy, to Move, to Create Shortcut, or to Cancel. Choose Move.